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Share A Tip On An Unsung Uk Seaside Town – You Could Win A Holiday Voucher

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Tell us about your favourite under-the-radar coastal town – the best tip wins £200 towards a Coolstays break

In the last two decades many UK seaside towns have undergone a quiet transformation. Art galleries, boutique hotels and Michelin-starred restaurants are breathing new life into once down-at-heel resorts such as Blackpool and Margate, while coastal hotspots like Padstow, Southwold and Whitby continue to draw the crowds on sunny days. While these places are popular for good reason, we’d love to hear about your favourite “unsung” seaside towns – the places that don’t often grab the limelight or become unpleasantly overcrowded, but which have kept their charm intact. You could win a £200 holiday voucher (sorry if you were hoping for a cuddly toy or some candyfloss).

If you have a relevant photo, do send it in – but it’s your words that will be judged for the competition.

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