What Does It Take To Earn The Nasc Quality Seal?

Companies that have earned the NASC Quality Seal go through a stringent approval process. In this Q & A, NASC President Bill Bookout answers some frequently asked questions about what it takes to get there.
How long does it normally take for a pet supplement manufacturer/supplier to acquire the NASC Quality Seal?
Bill Bookout: NASC member companies must be approved to join the organization and must also earn permission to use the Quality Seal by passing our independent, third-party quality audit. This process typically takes about four months from start to finish.
What are the steps in the certification process?
Bill Bookout: First, the NASC Compliance Team trains the member company on labeling, claims, adverse event reporting and quality control requirements. Next, we review the company’s documented standard operating procedures, check for labeling and marketing compliance, and verify their products are entered in our adverse event reporting database. Last, the on-site audit is performed and involves an in-depth review of the company’s quality control system and documentation. We communicate deficiencies to the member and allow them 60 days to submit corrective actions and close the audit. Upon satisfaction of all requirements, we issue the final audit report and their audit certificate, which is valid for two years.
Is there a cost for the NASC audit?
Bill Bookout: Yes, the company marketing the products pays for their audit, whether they manufacture the products themselves or have products contract manufactured for them. The company marketing the product is known as the “Supplier of Record,” and they are responsible for every aspect of compliance with NASC requirements.
To earn the NASC Quality Seal, a company must go through a stringent review process.
Bill Bookout
is president, board chair and a founding member of the National Animal Supplement Council, the world’s leading trade association representing manufacturers and suppliers of health and nutritional supplements for dogs, cats, and horses. For over 20 years, the NASC’s successful leadership and advocacy actions have helped to shape and secure the future of the industry and ensure quality supplement products remain available to all stakeholders.
What requirements must NASC members fulfill to obtain the NASC Quality Seal for their products?
Bill Bookout: To earn the Quality Seal, members must:
- Adhere to NASC labeling formats and claims guidance to ensure consistency with the intended benefit of the product.
- Have a written quality manual that documents all standard operating procedures for the processes they control, and documents the verification of processes their vendors perform.
- Correctly enter their products into our real-time adverse event reporting database and maintain monthly reporting.
- Pass random third-party product testing to help ensure they are meeting label claims.
- Participate in mandatory annual training facilitated by NASC.
How long is the NASC Quality Seal valid?
Bill Bookout: The audit is good for two years.
Must products/companies go through the entire Quality Seal process if they want to renew certification?
Bill Bookout: Yes, the full audit process is repeated every two years to maintain use of the NASC Quality Seal. There are no shortcuts and companies are not allowed to use the Quality Seal simply by joining NASC. We always operate with the philosophy, “Trust, but verify.”

For more information about the NASC,
contact the organization directly.
P (760) 751-3360 | W nasc.cc | E info@nasc.cc
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