Pet Retailers Report Selling The Most Of This Type Of Cbd

RETAILERS SHARE INSIGHT into what CBD and other hemp products they sell — and what they’d like to sell — in this issue’s Little Survey, the younger and more focused version of our annual Big Survey.
What type of CBD and other hemp products do you sell most?
What primary condition are customers most looking to help manage with CBD and other hemp products?
Which do you sell more of?
Rank these qualities by importance for deciding which CBD and other hemp products to sell:
If you face challenges selling CBD and other hemp products, what is the biggest one?
*This answer best represents the majority of “Other” responses: “People have tried cheaper options that didn’t work, and now don’t want to pay more money for a quality product.” Another common answer was credit-card processors that do not accept payments for these products.
The post Pet Retailers Report Selling the Most of This Type of CBD appeared first on PETSPLUSMAG.COM.