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Pet Adoption Statistics 2024

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Adopting a new pet is exciting, and can bring warmth and companionship into your home. It can also make a difference for the millions of animals living in shelters.

The majority of American households own a pet, with dogs being more popular to own than cats.[ ] However, cats are adopted from shelters more often than dogs.[ ] Pet ownership is increasing amongst young generations, with millennials having the highest share of pet owners (33%).[ ]

About 6.3 million animals enter shelters every year but only two-thirds are adopted from shelters annually (4.1 million).[ ] Animals can enter shelters for many reasons, including being lost, surrendered, found or being born while in the shelter.

For adopters who are hoping to choose a specific breed, shelters typically have limited purebred options. A 2015 survey by the nonprofit National Animal Interest Alliance found that only 5% of shelter dogs were purebred. However, that aligns well with findings from a Forbes Advisor survey of 10,000 dog owners, which revealed that “no breed in particular is my favorite” was the most common selected response when asked about their favorite dog breed.[ ]

Pet Adoption Statistics in the U.S. at a Glance

Whether it’s millions of households providing pets with their forever home, government funding for shelters, or fewer pets being euthanized, there are many factors that shape how people adopt pets in the U.S.

  • 90.5 million homes own a pet, or 70% of U.S. households, with more households owning dogs than cats.[ ]
  • More cats are admitted to animal shelters than dogs every year and more cats are adopted annually.[ ]
  • The number of euthanized dogs and cats has declined from 2.6 million in 2011 to about 920,000 per year.[ ]
  • About 4.1 million animals are adopted from shelters each year.[ ]
  • More stray dogs than cats are returned to their owners annually.[ ]

Pet Adoption Statistics

Millions of dogs and cats find homes in the U.S. every year but the challenge of homeless pets persists.

  • Approximately 2 million dogs and 2.1 million cats are adopted from pet shelters in America annually.[ ]
  • The number of U.S. households that own pets has increased from 73 million in 2010 to 87 million in 2022.[ ]
  • The percentage of U.S. households with pets that have more than one pet increased from 64% in 2020 to 66% in 2022.[ ]
  • About 23 million Americans adopted a pet during the Covid-19 pandemic (nearly one in five households), and most will not consider rehoming their pet.[ ]

Animals in Shelters

Every year, a staggering 6.3 million animals enter shelters across America, highlighting the critical need for adoption. With about 4,000 animal shelters nationwide,[ ] adoption is a wonderful way to give these animals another chance.

  • The number of animals entering shelters annually has decreased since 2011, with the number of dogs decreasing most significantly, from an average of 3.9 million in 2011 to 3.1 million in 2019.[ ]
  • The majority of adoptions in 2023 were adult pets, followed by youth.[ ]

Dog Adoption Statistics

In America, more people have dogs as pets than cats. Even though many dog owners get their pets from breeders, dogs from shelters are a good choice, too. When you adopt a dog from a shelter, they are usually already spayed or neutered. Plus, they typically come with medical info like vaccinations, medications, and details about procedures they've had, making it easier for you to take care of them.[ ]

  • Of the shelters that reported data, over 1.5 million dogs were adopted in 2023. [ ]
  • More adult dogs were adopted in 2023 than youth (younger dogs).[ ]
  • It’s estimated that 25% of dogs in shelters are purebreds. [ ]
  • In a Forbes Advisor survey of 10,000 dog owners, the majority reported they adopted their dog from a breeder (36%), followed by adopting their dog from a shelter (23%).[ ]
  • 19% of dog owners reported being gifted their dog and 10% reported becoming the owner of their dog after rescuing it as a stray. [ ]
  • 90% of dog owners who adopted their pup during the pandemic still have their pet in their homes. [ ]
  • Dogs who are adopted from a shelter are usually already spayed or neutered and microchipped. [ ]
  • Between 25% to 30% of dogs in shelters are purebreds, and about 75% are mixed breeds.[ ]

Cat Adoption Statistics

Data indicates that many Americans lean toward adopting cats from shelters instead of dogs, even though more cats are in shelters. Cats from shelters usually come spayed or neutered and with medical information.

  • Of the shelters that reported data, over 978,000 cats were adopted in 2023. [ ]
  • Slightly more youth cats were adopted than adult cats. [ ]
  • There are slightly more cats in shelters than dogs (3.2 million vs 3.1 million). [ ]
  • More cats than dogs are adopted from shelters annually. [ ]

Reasons for Surrendering Animals to Shelters

Occasionally, pet parents have to part ways with their furry friends for various reasons, from personal concerns to pet behavior that doesn't fit the household. Giving up a pet is a tough decision. That's why it's important to remember that owning a pet is a significant responsibility. Before adopting, it's good to reflect on the time, money and resources it takes to care for a pet. Making sure you're ready for this responsibility helps ensure a loving and stable home for your furry friend.

  • Not having enough time for a pet, and personal issues are often reported as the top reasons for surrendering animals to shelters. [ ]
  • The cost of a dog, having too many animals, and the owner’s health issues, such as allergies or injuries are also commonly reported as reasons for surrendering an animal to a shelter.[ ]
  • Animal behaviors, such as potty issues, unwanted chewing, aggressive behavior, separation anxiety, and fearfulness are also reasons for surrendering animals to shelters.[ ]
  • Animal health concerns are also a reason for surrendering animals to a shelter.[ ]

Euthanasia Statistics

The declining trend in euthanizing shelter animals is a hopeful sign, but it remains disheartening that many cats and dogs in the U.S. are still killed each year. Despite shelters working diligently to find homes for these animals, choosing to adopt from shelters can contribute to saving more lives.

  • Every year, 920,000 animals are euthanized at animal shelters.[ ]
  • More cats than dogs are euthanized annually (approximately 390,000 dogs and 530,000 cats).[ ]
  • Euthanization among cats and dogs in shelters has declined since 2011 when an estimated 2.6 million animals were killed in shelters. The ASPCA reports the decline is in part due to the number of adoptions rising in recent years, and the number of stray animals being returned to their original owners.[ ]
  • Five states account for half of all dogs and cats euthanized (California, Florida, Georgia, Texas, and North Carolina).[ ]
  • The minimum required period for an animal to be held in a shelter before being euthanized is typically five to seven days but can be as short as 48 to 72 hours.[ ]

No-Kill Shelters

No-kill shelters are unique because they work hard to find homes for all the animals they take in and don't euthanize them. The growth of no-kill shelters means that more animals are getting a chance to find loving homes and live happy lives.

  • No-kill shelters have more than doubled in America between 2016 and 2022 (24% to 57%).[ ]
  • 42% of counties are no-kill in America.[ ]
  • 93% of no-kill shelters in 2021 were able to sustain their goal of not euthanizing pets.[ ]

Pet Ownership by Generation

In recent years, more young people are choosing to adopt pets. This trend shows that younger folks are embracing the love, happiness, and responsibility of bringing a furry friend into their lives.

  • Millennials make up the largest generation of pet owners (33%), followed by Generation X (25% 41 to 56-year-olds).[ ]
  • Multi-pet households have steadily increased in recent years, with 75% of Gen Z and Millennial households that have a pet owning more than one.[ ]

Top Reasons for Adoption

Getting a new pet is incredibly exciting and can bring an abundance of joy into your home. However, it's crucial to remember that having a pet comes with responsibilities. Pets need time, attention and financial support for their care. While the happiness of having a new pet is wonderful, it's essential to be prepared for the commitment and duties of providing a loving home for your furry friend.

  • The majority of U.S. pet owners report adopting/fostering a pet because it was the right time for them, and they were spending more time at home (48%). [ ]
  • The second most common reason for adopting a pet by a slim margin was that the owner’s family wanted a pet (47%). [ ]
  • 25% of pet owners report adopting their pet because they wanted companionship.[ ]

Intake and Outcome Shelter Data

Many pets enter and leave shelters each year for various reasons, such as being lost, surrendered, found, or arriving with their offspring. The data below is sourced from Shelter Animal Count, a shelter data provider, though not all shelters report data annually. This information sheds light on the continuous efforts to care for and find homes for these needy animals.

  • The most recent data shows that there have been over 2.9 million gross intakes (which includes strays, relinquished by the owner, owner-intended euthanasia, transfers in, and other intakes, such as animals born in care, seized, etc.) nationwide from 2,408 organizations.[ ]
  • In 2023, there were over 2.1 million live outcomes (including adoptions, return to owner, return to field, transfers, and others), and over 300,000 non-live outcomes (including animals that died in care, shelter euthanasia, and owner-intended euthanasia).[ ]
  • California has had the most intakes thus far in 2023, followed by Texas and Florida.[ ]

Intake Data by State

The trends in pet intake vary across states, reflecting unique patterns in different areas of the U.S. Understanding these regional differences provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities shelters face in different parts of the country.

  • California leads US states with the most pet intakes in 2023, followed by Texas and Florida.[ ]
  • Dog intakes were more popular than cat intakes in California and Texas, but cat intakes were more popular than dog intakes in Florida.[ ]
  • Vermont shelters had the fewest number of pet intakes in 2023, followed by South Dakota and Connecticut.[ ]
  • Texas led U.S. states with the most bird intakes in 2023, followed by California and Nevada.[ ]

How Pet Insurance Can Help Support Your New Furry Friend

Caring for your new furry friend involves regular visits to the vet. With vet costs on the rise, caring for a sick or injured pet can be expensive. For instance, treating hip dysplasia in dogs, a common orthopedic condition, can cost around $7,815.

That's where pet insurance comes in. It can be a safety net for your wallet, covering a big part, or even all, of the costs for your pet's healthcare needs. Depending on the pet insurance plan you choose, it usually covers things like broken bones, surgery, toxic ingestion, emergency care, medications, and more.

Here’s an example of how pet insurance can make it easier to care for your pet.

  • Premiums: Imagine you've been paying $576 each year for your dog's insurance, adding up to $1,728 over three years.
  • Unexpected incident: Now, picture this — your dog swallows a toy, leading to a $4,000 vet bill. With a $500 deductible and a 90% reimbursement, your out-of-pocket cost would be $850 ($500 deductible + 10% of $3,500).
  • The result: Adding up the three years' premiums and the toy incident, your total cost with insurance is $2,578. Without pet insurance, the vet bill would have been $4,000, saving you about $1,422 by having insurance coverage.

Find The Best Pet Insurance Companies Of 2024
