Girlfriend Intentionally Exposed Me To Possibly Fatal Asthma Triggers For Months.

My girlfriend just made a horrible confession to me. Before I dive into it, I need to give you the back story. I'm someone who is asthmatic. That being said, it means I'm very allergic to dust, animal fur and pollutants. When I'm exposed to these, they trigger severe shortness of breath, wheezing and chest tightness. My girlfriend has two cats, she took in these cats after we were already living together despite me saying it was a bad idea. Not long after that, my asthma symptoms gradually started to worsen. They became so bad to the bad where I was using emergency relievers everyday for almost 6 months. She said she would find a shelter for the cats since things were now getting out of hand. So here is the thing with asthma, constant exposure to your triggers can lead to more chronic damage. For example, constant exposure to cat fur for months will eventually lead to your airways thickening thereby narrowing; making it difficult to breath, participate in daily activities and sport. I started smelling blood on my chest, wheezing every day and inhaling everyday.
Last month we moved to a new apartment but the cats remained in the old apartment because it took us a month to move our things. That means I didn't have exposure to cat fur for a month. My asthma started to get better. Now I no longer use inhalers because I'm no longer wheezing, or having shortness of breath.
My girlfriend just told me that all along the lied about finding an animal shelter because it's a horrible place for cats. That just took me by surprise because from her logic I had to suffer a chronic condition because "pet shelters are horrible for cats". Is it normal for my girlfriend to expose me to asthma triggers that could be potentially fatal, all because she loves cats so much?
TL,DR; Is it normal for my girlfriend to expose me to asthma triggers that could be potentially fatal, all because she loves cats so much?
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