Dynamic Planning In Hierarchical Active Inference

arXiv:2402.11658v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: By dynamic planning, we refer to the ability of the human brain to infer and impose motor trajectories related to cognitive decisions. A recent paradigm, active inference, brings fundamental insights into the adaptation of biological organisms, constantly striving to minimize prediction errors to restrict themselves to life-compatible states. Over the past years, many studies have shown how human and animal behavior could be explained in terms of an active inferential process -- either as discrete decision-making or continuous motor control -- inspiring innovative solutions in robotics and artificial intelligence. Still, the literature lacks a comprehensive outlook on how to effectively plan actions in changing environments. Setting ourselves the goal of modeling tool use, we delve into the topic of dynamic planning in active inference, keeping in mind two crucial aspects of biological goal-directed behavior: the capacity to understand and exploit affordances for object manipulation, and to learn the hierarchical interactions between the self and the environment, including other agents. We start from a simple unit and gradually describe more advanced structures, comparing recently proposed design choices and providing basic examples for each section. This study distances itself from traditional views centered on neural networks and reinforcement learning, and points toward a yet unexplored direction in active inference: hybrid representations in hierarchical models.