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Venmo Hacked In 2021, Still Have Outstanding Balance

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Back in July 2021 my Venmo account was hacked. I woke up one day to my bank account being overdrafted by almost $6600. Luckily, at the time I had a debit card specifically for weekend allowances, and I had not transferred money from my main bank account for the weekend yet so it only had $5 in it when the charges went through. When I logged into my bank account, I saw they were Venmo transactions. I went to go log into Venmo, I could not access my account. I then contacted my bank and contacted Venmo. Venmo stated I had changed my email address and phone number that was attached to my original username before sending out all that money. I filed a police report then my bank reversed the charges. I provided the police report to Venmo and proof of the charges being reversed and then asked for the statement from Venmo to confirm all the transactions but they refused to provide anything since the email address and phone number were different. I ended up closing out that bank account and any other bank account because I wasn’t sure how my phone was accessed or how this even happened. They then told me I couldn’t have my Venmo account anymore and it was suspended.. for the past three years I’ve just been living without Venmo whatever no big harm to my life. This week, my friend venmoed me by accident and I got a text from Venmo saying you received money. I thought that was odd because I had no access to this account. I go to login in my Venmo account. It says your account is paused, but I didn’t see the balance for my friend so I told her to cancel the payment and she paid me another way. I then contacted Venmo and said can you close out this account since I don’t have access to it and I don’t want people accidentally sending money to it. they replied saying we can’t close out your account because you have an outstanding balance of $6600 and you need to pay it. I re-supplied the police report and told them that this was said to be resolved in 2021. Their offices are closed today so I’m now just waiting on a response from Venmo. I also contacted my old bank, they said they could mail me the statements from 2021 showing the reversed charges but I’ve moved since then and they can’t update the address since it’s a closed account so I have to wait till Monday to go into the nearest branch to get them printed.

What should I do to make sure that this is resolved? Is there any way that this could go onto my credit report? Do I need to do anything else to help move this along?

submitted by /u/googlyeyedpen
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