Vehicle Parked In Driveway Was Totaled By County Grader During Snowstorm - County Claiming Immunity

Hello Reddit friends,
My uncle had his vehicle totalled by a snow grader in a recent snowstorm. The vehicle was parked in his driveway and when the grader went to turn around, it smashed into the vehicle and drove away.
After submitting a police report, photos and video of the incident (entire situation was recorded), the county sent a letter claiming "government immunity" and not liable for payment as the road grader is not considered "motor vehicle" Is this valid? My uncle does not have full-coverage on the vehicle and his own insurance will not provide any help. His un-insured vehicle claim (recommended to complete by his insurance agent) was denied.
Is there any legal action he can take? Is there a specific type of lawyer he should look into getting? Or, is he out of luck and that's just how these situations end? I find it ridiculous that the vehicle was parked IN HIS DRIVEWAY, totalled, and he is solely responsible for fixing.
A few other relevant details:
- State & County - Clear Creek County, Colorado
- Emails have been exchanged where the county is aware / admits fault, but then proceeded to send the "immunity" letter.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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