Unites Service Postal Inspection Called Me? Is This A Scam?

A lady claming to be from the Office of Public Information inside the US Postal Inspection Service called me on my cell.
Long story short, she says she works for US Post Inspection. She states that there was a vacuum cleaner shipped using my identity at the end of February - just before last week. The vacuum cleaner contained three pieces of firing pins, which are parts of a gun.
They verified my old address and name which was used as the sender of the package. It was shipped to an address in Washington DC.
She said she tried to reach out to me via mail to my old address.
They're requesting that I...
- Contact FBI to receive an incident report to fill out. Fill it out saying I didn't do it.
- Send her the incident report for her paperwork.
- She gave me a case ID and told me she works for the Office of Public Information inside US Postal Inspection Service at 877-876-2455. This matches the USPI number.
- She also said I have to this report and send it to her before end of daytoday (wtf?)... today is a Saturday or Homeland security will contact me.
Question time:
- Is this real or some kind of known scam?
- If real, do I have to get a lawyer for this or just listen to her directions?
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