Someone Put Cleaning Chemicals In My Water Bottle At Work

I work in a restaurant as part of the bar staff. We have a designated place for water bottles under the bar. I left my water bottle in that space overnight, knowing I would be back the next day. The next day I filled the water bottle from a carafe of water meant for guests without cleaning or inspecting either my bottle or the carafe. I took a drink and immediately knew there was bleach or some other kind of chemical present in the water at a considerably high concentration. I drank a good gulp - enough to need to throw up several minutes later (which also tasted of bleach). My stomach was upset the rest of the night, and when I flossed and brushed my gums bled (which never happens), presumably because I had had bleach in my mouth.
I’m pretty sure it was someone I used to date who I broke up with just before Christmas. He still works with me and would have had unmonitored access to my water bottle while he was setting up before service that day as the opening bar tender. There was also an open bottle of chemicals left out next to the dishwasher, which I have never seen before and thought was strange (I took a photo)
I had to block his number earlier this month after his text messages became more and more hostile. I have previously reported him to HR for hostility in the workplace and because I wanted his behavior on record if he were to try anything sinister. His (female) roommate looked me up on social media shortly after I broke up with him to warn me that she was worried for my job and for my safety because he seemed obsessed with me.
I can’t prove it was him that tampered with my water bottle because we don’t have cameras. I alerted my managers and HR immediately about the bleach. I tested the small amount of water that was left in the bottle with a pH test strip which confirmed the presence of chemicals in the water. I do not have a photo or video of this but I do have my manager as a witness. She even said you don’t have to test it I can smell it from here. Absolutely no one but this fucking jabronie I dumped back in December would have cause to poison me.
What are my options here?
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