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Should I Contact Cps.

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I am 17 years old and living in an environment I'm anxious and stressed about living in any longer.

Before I get into why, here is some important information:

I don't go to school, and I'm years behind. Last time I went to school was in 2020 when I lived in the suburbs. I live in a rural area, 0 friends, and I'm isolated except when I go out one day for groceries with my mom.

I do not have cellular service. My parents lost my birth certificate and reordered it, which got here today.

I already asked someone before to call a welfare check for me for my address. They never came, and I texted the CPS hotline in my area yesterday, using a Wi-Fi texting app. Don't know if it worked or not, because they didn't show up. I followed up a text message yesterday as well saying if they can't make it today, then to come tomorrow. I have no idea if they even got my message as I didn't get a reply. I'm making this post to gather some more advice if I should try again, but by calling this time.

Okay, so now let's get into why I'm trying to contact CPS in the first place. I'll first list off everything wrong here, and then my personal experience.

Mice infestation. Untrained animals, consisting of at least a dozen cats outside and some inside, and 7 dogs. the dogs inside are unvaccinated, and use 4 singular washable puppy pads. Every single day there's dog feces and urine, which the dogs frequently walk in, and the cars too, which also jump on the counters. The cats outside don't really go anywhere but the front patio because the dogs always chase them, so the front patio where we walk is contaminated with cat feces and urine as well. All of these animals are unvaccinated. Dog and cat hair everywhere. When my mom makes food, it always has hair in it, so I stopped eating anything she makes. Kitchen sink covered in mold underneath

Those are some of the main things. Obviously I'm very scared of living here. These fears started off with honestly just a fear of rabies in late 2023. But that was solved enough with me just washing my hands, and not kissing or getting too close to any of the animals. During 2024, my fears transitioned from rabies to something much more dangerous. Prions. I worry about them every day. Everytime I eat I get scared. I wake up worried. I constantly think about prions. I don't touch anything outside of my room without washing my hands before I go back to my room. I wash my laundry every other day. Sometimes I don't, due to the fact the washable puppy pads we use are washed in there, and I'm too worried too. My fears have grown as of late. My parents aren't good parents, especially my mom. I love my mom, but I also hate her. Her personality especially. This family is abnormal. I will only truly be happy until I'm out of this place, and not around these people anymore. My little brother is 13 years old, yet he can't even spell correctly. He also has a speech impediment, which my parents never even attempted to correct. We both don't have dental care. He's 13, and he hears the most screwed up racist shit from my mom everyday. I will admit, I'm not innocent. I'm trying to change and become better, but living here is holding me back. But yeah. That's basically it, not much else I can say. CPS could still come, but if they don't, should I consider calling? Or just thug it out? I'm only 5 months from turning 18, and now that my birth certificate is here, I'm going to hopefully go back to school soon and start catching up. But the stress of living here, plus having to catch up on years of work which is going to take a while, might be too much. I don't know what to do. Sadly CPS probably won't do much but tell my parents to clean up the place or whatever. if I knew if they'd put me in foster care or a group home, I'd be more up to calling. I will never feel comfortable in this place again, even if my parents do clean it up, especially since they'll eventually just go back to their own ways. They never change.

Edit: I think imma just thug it out.

submitted by /u/Old_Device_3
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