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My Wife Recently Had Her Hours Changed From ~45 Hr/wk To ~8 Hr/wk After A Surgery That She Had Notified Her Employer

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My wife recently had a surgery. She notified her manager(s) more than a month in advance (January 15th or so, when her surgery was February 26th). A week or two before said surgery, they increased her hours from ~33 to ~45 in her area (also saying she did well at it).

After her surgery, they have reduced her hours to ~8/week. They claim it's because they didn't know the situation and she essentially no-call-no-showed her shift. But... she told them more than a month in advance she was going to have surgery. She had told them she would be in to turn in the doctor's note on a certain day. She wasn't able to (she literally couldn't get out of bed--she had a major surgery that took ~5 hours and was still recovering) and sent a message to one of her managers. I saw this exchange and he said everything was fine. We turned in said document the next day.

This seems like an egregious violation of the FMLA. In fact, I went and spoke with the GM, kitchen manager, and host manager today and recorded the entire conversation (single party consent state). They more or less admitted to her fulfilling every requirement of the FMLA (worked more than 12 rolling months, 1,250 hours worked during those, and company is quite large), then also admitted to not re-instating her normal hours because, "we've already hired other people for the hours". Cool... that's why she gave more than a month's notice for them to get their shit together."

There are some other factors here (not in favor of the employer e.g. asking my wife constantly if she's pregnant, then sending around the rumor that she is--i have this on the recording wherein they talk about her having a baby which isn't at all true), but I just don't understand how a manager can say that they didn't remove your hours, but then acutally did.

submitted by /u/AWeakMeanId42
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