My Uncle Is Keeping Money That Was Left For Me From My Grandmother

My grandma died back in 2018 and whenever she died my uncle had approached my mom to let her know that around 10k had been left for me but that I wouldn’t be able to have it until I turned 21. Fast forward to 2021, there had been some land that my aunt and uncle were trying to sell that had belonged to my dad (who passed in 2016) and they had tried to send me paperwork to sign saying he wasn’t my biological father (he wasn’t but had signed my birth certificate when I was born) so that they could cut me out of the sale even though I had rights to a portion of the money they received from the sale. Long story short, they had to involve me in the sale bc I wouldn’t sign any of the paperwork and I received around almost 8k from it. Whenever I signed the paperwork for the land sale I had been warned to make sure there wasn’t anything to do with the money my grandma had left behind in the paperwork and there was not. Fast forward to 3 months ago I had texted my uncle asking him about the money being that I was due to turn 21 this year, basically just asking for the details on it and if there was any traveling or such I would need to do. He never responded to me, so I reached out to the court in that county and was able to obtain a copy of the will. From that I found out that him and one of my female cousins were listed as trustee and alternate trustee for said money and so I reached out to my female cousin who told me that she had no idea she was a trustee and that she hadn’t spoken to my uncle in years, she asked my aunt (the one that had tried to cut me out the land sale) and was told that “the papers i should have signed about him not being my legal father would have kept me out of dad’s part of the land and you would have gotten the full 10k” and then said that a different male cousin is the alternate (which I see his name listed but not listed as someone in charge of my money) I’m not really sure what to do from here being that I’ve reached out to my uncle a few times with no response and that my female cousin apparently doesn’t know anything about the money left behind. Should I try contacting my other cousin? Or am I better off looking for a lawyer in that case where would I even start, is it worth going to court over? I’m just not to sure where to go from here, I turned 21 two days ago
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