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My Neighbor Accused Multiple People In Our Neighborhood Of A Crime And Now Is Facing Charges For The Same Or Similar Charges. Should I Inform The Prosecutor Of This Information?

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This is in Michigan. If for some reason the county matters, I can provide it privately. As the title says, some months ago, my neighbor accused seemingly random people in our neighborhood of being peeping toms. He stopped one man in the street to confront him over it, he posted allegations to our neighborhood facebook page fraught with spelling errors, saying he had proof 8 guys were outside his kids bedroom window, one with a rifle. And said he had one guys face on camera touching himself. He claimed to have video of it all but only posted photos of bushes outside his window. He also filed a police report claiming one of my relatives I live with was one of the peeping toms. That investigation went nowhere; we know it is false but cannot prove it since we would essentially needed constant footage of his house to do so.
We've continued having issues with him, until he filed another false report saying we were harassing him (after he showed up swearing at us, trying to convince workers we had outside that my relative is a pedo. Well come to find out he's currently facing charges similar to the claims he's making, but seemingly worse, involving minors. So my question is should I provide this information to the prosecutor? After typing this all out my gut feeling is it wouldn't hurt and they can decide if it's relevant. Does that make sense or is there something Im missing? I am working on pursuing a PPO as he has also said he would beat me up, and made other vague threats against me. Just incase that factors into it somehow.

submitted by /u/Chemical-Tip4242
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