My Girlfriend Was Hit By A Car

As short as possible, my girlfriend[18] and her friend[16] were backed into by their “senior assassin” target’s car while they were standing behind it joking about keeping him from leaving so they could eliminate him from the game. My girlfriend has been sore since.
A more extensive version: This happened last Saturday. I am 19, graduated from a different school from everyone else, and was more or less just witness to everything that happened. My girlfriend, let’s call her Melanie, decided to participate in her school’s senior assassin event (this event is organized by the students and not associated with the school whatsoever). If you don’t know what senior assassin is, it plays like this: You sign up (typically with a small fee that gets added to an award pot) and you are given the name of another participant that you need to eliminate. Everyone participating has and is a target. To eliminate your target, you need to record a video of yourself shooting your target with a water gun. If you don’t get your target in a certain time frame or get shot yourself, you’re out. This cycle repeats until there’s one person left. There are a couple of other rules you have to follow like you can’t shoot anyone during school hours or while they’re in the clock, but those are not important. Melanie had composed a plan to get her target out while he was leaving work. She and her friend were going to hide behind his truck and pop out from behind and ambush him. Her friend was the camera person. As he was walking out, he spotted the two and shot Melanie with his own water gun (this gives him immunity to being eliminated for 10 minutes). He runs off for a while and during that time, I come by and park my car in front of his. We get the idea to prevent him from pulling out of where he is parked by having Melanie and her friend stand behind his car while i’m parked in front of him. None of us intended to do this for long because it’s just a silly game and it was cold. Eventually, he comes back, calls Melanie and her friend some mean names and hops into his car. Melanie and her friend then stand behind it, he yells, threatening to run them over, neither of them take it too seriously, and he full commits to backing into them both. Melanie’s friend braced herself from the back of the car but Melanie herself did not and the truck hit her thighs. Let me be clear and say, I have no idea how fast he ran into them, but it was enough to make Melanie feel very sore since. She’s avoiding looking at her thighs at the moment, scared there’ll be some ugly bruises. I haven’t seen her legs either so it’s hard to judge if it’s super bad or not. She’s tried contacting the kids organizing it to see if her target can be eliminated from the game for his actions, but without video proof, they won’t do anything.
I don’t know if there’s anything to be done about this or if it’s just an unfortunate instance of teens being reckless, but if there’s something Melanie, her friend, or myself can do to get them some compensation for the hit, I’d like to know. If not, that’s fine. We’ll just be angry about it until it becomes an old memory to cringe at.
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