My Ex Refuses To Come Get His Things Or Give Back Spare Key. Also Found Hidden Cameras.

Hi all. I am in California.
My ex moved out over 6 months ago. He was never on my lease, nor did he stay full time.
When he did, I kept asking to get my spare key back and he refused, saying id get it when he got his things.
He left a lot here. Originally these were gifts (new furniture, etc), but he said he is taking them when he gets his own place. He also left a lot of valuable possessions. He’s come by a few times when asking to get things, and has accused me of stuff going missing too. I’ve stopped interacting as it’s exhausting.
I kept asking and he is very someone who only does things on his terms. He is also terrible at communicating and tends to steam roll anyone who gets in his way. He will take legal action if I get rid of it (if that’s an option).
On to my next point. I’d previously found hidden cameras when we weren’t together and confronted him. I was so blindsided that I did not do anything at that time. Recently, I found he must’ve installed again when I was out of town.
What can I do? Am I completely powerless?
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