Mother Still Being Paid Childsupport After Losing Parental Rights Due To A Sexual Abuse Case In Fl

Title says it all. She lost her rights after her and her boyfriend sexually molested my daughter, my daughter has been in foster care now for over a year and the state is still garnishing my wages and paying the mother. It's a sure bet that the money is going straight into the boyfriend's commissary since she decided to side with him throughout this whole thing. He's rotting in prison forever where he belongs but she wasn't imprisoned for some reason. The state didn't stop the childsupport payments to her and is giving her over $500 a mo still even after the conviction and the termination of her parental rights.
The department of revenue has told me that to stop payments would require a court order that I must attain through a lawyer! I HAVE TO PAY MORE MONEY TO STOP THIS???? I thought for sure the state would automatically stop the payments after she lost her rights and the child was removed from her custody! I can't afford $3000 for a retainer all at once especially with $500+ /mo being garnished from my wages and all my other bills. I'm sick to my stomach with the state of Florida who "claims" to care so much for children but proves otherwise every month when they reward a sexual child abuser with a loving father's wages that could be actually helping the child, IT'S HELPING THE BOYFRIEND! THEY ARE PAYING THE ABUSERS!!
I'm so damn confused and feeling helpless here. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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