Insanity Defence For Felony Evading A Police Officer.

My middle aged, schizophrenic, small town librarian brother decided to take an unannounced trip from Canada to California last week. We've just learned he was arrested and booked into jail on two misdemeanour resisting arrest, and 2 felony evading arrest charges. He has no criminal record, and I can only assume he is off his meds and in a paranoid state and did a runner from police when he saw lights.
Is it possible for him to raise a no intent or not criminally responsible defence in a situation like this? We're very concerned for his health and just want to get him out of jail and back to Canada so he can seek mental healthcare. Unfortunately, it looks like this felony charge frequently comes with a multiyear prison sentence, so we're interested in possible ways to defend against this kind of charge in California.
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