In Trouble With The School. Can You Help Me With My Options

For context, I am 21 (F) living in the dorms in college amongst a lot of freshman. I didn’t want this choice of living but it was all that was available as I transferred after community college. I started being friends with this girl but i realized she had serious mental health issues. I spent thanksgiving with her family and she screams at her mother and 90+ year old grandmother and says she should put duck tape over her mouth to “shut up”. Her mom consulted in me several times asking if she was going to mature anytime soon and asked if I could do right by her by being a good influence. I loved her mom so I agreed. This friend had a bad drinking problem. Way beyond the extent of just a freshman trying to have fun in college. We would have to get people to carry her miles to her apartment. She would puke all over me and I’d have to undress her and bathe her. She would wake up the next morning and laugh about wanting to do it again. She said she hated being sober. Her mom reached out again asking if there’s any concerns and I was honest about her mental state. She was upset I spoke to her mom so she started slipping threatening notes under my door about how I should transfer schools. I was unaware of who was doing it so I asked my RA to pull up the footage. My RA called me later and apparently only the police can look at the footage but they thought it was concerning enough to question me. Once they discovered it was her leaving the threatening notes (and her roommate) from the footage, they went into their room to tell them to leave me alone. When doing so they found alot of alcohol and basically told the police I was supplying it for them since I just turned 21 and they’re (18). I have not hangout with them all semester nor have I bought anyone underaged alcohol or anyone alcohol for that matter. I got 2 notices from the school saying they’re having an informational meeting and if I don’t show up I’ll have a hearing. Do I need a lawyer for the meeting if it could result in me facing academic misconduct or even turn into a legal case? I know in my heart I didn’t do what is stated in the letter. I am angry and wondering if they can get in trouble for lying. This has caused me so much emotional and mental distress. I hate that I went to my RA for harassment and now I’m the one facing legal consequences. Let me know what I can do. Thanks
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