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Il, My Neighbor Keeps Profiling Me Whenever Someone Is Smoking Weed In The Building - I've Never Smoked In The Building. Do I Have Legal Grounds To Protect Myself From Her Harassment?

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My upstairs neighbor - Bev - harasses me every time there is a smell of weed in our building. I have never smoked inside of my apartment. Her harassment ranges from texts questioning my whereabouts whenever she smells weed, and, in the most recent escalation, she banged on my door at midnight (I was sleeping). My house guest answered, and Bev then forced her to wake me up so she could ask if I had been smoking in my apartment. I hadn't, and my houseguests hadn't. No one was smoking or had ever been smoking any time she accused me.

I live in a building of condo owners, and I own my unit. I am the youngest owner by far (25F), and I'm also black. My neighbor is a white woman, most likely in her early 70s. As far as I know, she comes straight to me any time she suspects anything. I want my neighbor to leave me alone, and I'm worried that the board, which is filled with older people who have lived in the building for years, vs. me, who's only been here for one year, won't take my complaint seriously.

I told her that her behavior was inappropriate, but she hasn't responded to my written complaint. I've also raised the issue with the condo board, which has been quiet, likely because they're all friends. How do I get them to stop my neighbor's late-night vigilante justice any time she suspects someone of smoking weed?

submitted by /u/mmhmmoknotgonna
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