I Think My Uncle Was Murdered By His Wife

This happened nine years ago in the state of Nevada.
My uncle called my mother, telling me that he thought his wife was trying to kill him. He was trying to transfer his assets to my mother, as he didn’t think he had much time left, two weeks later his money/assets had been all transferred to his wife and he was dead by apparent suicide.
He had been shot in the chest with a gun suppressed by a pillow. Police originally ruled it a homicide, his wife called his best friend over to talk to the cops, somehow got him to tell the cops that he had previous mental issues and had been suicidal in the past, so they ruled it suicide. He did have mental issues, but I do not believe he committed suicide.
A woman that knew his wife recently reached out to us, she suspects it was a murder.
Is there anything I can do here? The body was cremated against our families wishes, think she was trying to cover her tracks.
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