I Became Disabled And I Am Now Unable To Perform The Tasks At Work That I Used To. Can I Legally Be Fired For This, Or Are They Required To Make Accommodations?

A week before I was hired, I was diagnosed with a rare brain condition. 3 months into my new job, I had to get brain surgery. I took 6 weeks unpaid leave because I hadn’t worked there long enough to receive FMLA. I’m supposed to return to work this week, but I’m suffering complications from the surgery and as of now, I’m pretty much disabled. The most I can do is office work or work from home, which will still be very challenging.
My job is driving to different businesses. I have to bend down. The backpack I carry with all of my supplies is heavy. Because of my surgical complications, I simply will not be able to drive, bend down, and carry my backpack. Every task I have to do for my job, im unable to do. I'm afraid I will lose my job over this. I'm already worried about money as I have been on unpaid leave. I want to return to work. I’m willing to work from home or do office work, but considering my job is completely in the field, I don’t know what accommodations they can make.
Can they fire me for this, or do they have to make accommodations? I don't know what my rights are. I am city government. Im unionized and I had only been working there for three months until I left for surgery.
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