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I Am Renting A Room, Owner Did Not Inform Me She Is Losing The House (ca)

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I moved into a family’s house of 4 people back in July of this year on a month to month basis. The woman who rented the room out to me owns the home and I pay her directly. I found out through a neighbor about a month ago that she is losing the house next year due to her ex husband trying to claim everything she owns / inherited which includes the house. Prior to this, this information was never mentioned in the facebook posting for the room or mentioned to me directly in person, ONLY that she is divorced.

I found a new place recently and have given a 30 day notice due to this uncomfortable situation. If I decided to stay through the next year, what would’ve been my rights as a tenant? Also, was she legally required to inform anyone that rented a room in the home that she is losing it? Or is this just a circumstance where i just could leave the situation at anytime without getting legal stuff involved.

Btw this is my first time renting so all of these housing rules / legalities are quite new to me so i don’t know the full extent of my rights as a tenant in a specific situation like this

submitted by /u/aRiot_0
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