Filing For An Order Of Protection In Nyc Family Court - Do I Need An Attorney?

Throwaway for anonymity. I filed for an order of protection (in family court against a former intimate partner) in July. The referee granted it based on my statements (I had a police report about him showing up at my residence and refusing to leave; voicemails threatening physical and sexual violence, hundreds of harassing text messages even after I asked him to stop; emails when I blocked him on text/social media). This had gone on for a few months but finally reached the breaking point in July when he showed up again and threatened reaching out to my employer and family. We went back today for the return of process hearing. He doesn't want this on his record and will has said he will retain an attorney for our follow-up hearing in January.
My question is: is the physical evidence I mention above enough for me to handle this on my own or is an attorney necessary? I don't want to drag this out and go to a trial so I'd like our January return to be the end of it, but I also hate the idea of wasting resources on this if I have enough to represent myself. He has said that he wants to never see / speak to me again (great! same!), he just doesn't want it on his record. I don't really care how it happens, I just want him to legally have to leave me alone, at least for the next two years until he hopefully moves on. I do not qualify for a court-appointed attorney. This is in Manhattan, New York City.
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