Ex Filed A Protective Order Against Me, I Was Never Served And Therefore Missed The Hearing Now I’m Homeless As She Requested To Have Possession Of Our Apartment, Is There Anything I Can Do? [va]

My ex and I are in a legal back and fourth, she’s currently charged with domestic abuse and we have a court hearing on June 6th. On May 12th we discussed that she would leave the apartment and I would return for my internship. So I believed that’s what we would do, but when I arrived at 12:30am I sat on the couch and was hit with her calling the police. They then informed me that she had filed a protective order but since I was never served until just now I’m not in trouble; however she requested possession of our apartment (despite it containing all of my furniture) and now I’m homeless and unable to go to my internship. I’m in a hotel rn but is there anything I can do? I’m heading to the clerk to file for dismissal or an amendment as I have her agreeing to leave the apartment in writing. She literally hit me, admitted to it over text, and I was the one who had a protective order placed against her and our roommate first because they had threatened to beat me up. But I’m the one homeless rn. I’m not sure what do.
I honestly wouldn’t even mind living in the hotel but she would have to pay for it. I’m not paying for rent in a place I can’t even live in
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