Can I Tell People I Got R-ped?

I‘m a minor, a boy in my school had tried to coerce and convince me to let him penetrate me with his fingers, initially i said no but he’d beg and then he would never give it up so I said ok, this went like this every time, he also forced himself on me after i tried pushing him off and started kissing me very hard, he would also threaten he’s harm himself if I broke up with him then gaslit me into staying with him by saying i was cheating on him to try and get me to stay to feel bad and prove i’m a good person.
Can I tell people about what he’s done? Hes also threatened to leak my nude photos that he would beg for (initially i did send them however i stopped after he started giving me red flags and he’d beg and pester). He’s in all my classes and goes to some of my afterschool activities so I feel it’s important to tell some of my friends what happened as he dates almost all the girls and is infamous for being weird, hypersexual and annoying and rude, he’d also slap me and kick me and cut me with rulers after i told him not to( he thought it was fun and charming and banter) and makeshift kidnapped me??? Idk he grabbed my arms and forced them behind my back so they hurt and almost dislocated then walked me around after school like that when i wanted to get home and was almost crying from the pain. His mom also blew up at my mum swearing at her and calling me and her names over text (my mom did not initiate and ignored afterwards)
He’s threatened to ruin my life etc and my mom wants me to keep quiet, but i feel like i should be able to tell people about this if they ask or if i feel its important
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