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Can I Become Emancipated After I Run Away?

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Hey I'm f(17). This is kind of a complicated story but I will try to keep it as clear as possible. For some background information. I have tried getting a job on multiple occasions at home to save up (so I can move our of my toxic household). However my parents have made it almost impossible. An example of this could be refusing to drive me and also refusing to let me walk or go with a friend to work. I had found a job which is only 4 minutes walking from my house. After nearly a month of interviews. When I finally got the job my dad went in there and forced them to fire me.

Their reasoning was that they did not want me thinking I could be independent. Another example, they forced my into dental work I did not want or need. Refused to take me back for nearly 2 weeks despite severe complications and used my nerve pain to blackmail me. (This happened last year and I still have some pain. It was so bad I considered taking my life.)

They do physically abuse me and the abuse/threats/blackmail is much worse when outside the country. They are planning to take me to Mexico this Sunday. However, the fact I was trapped there for 9 months before and the fact they have shown aggressive behavior twords me this week makes me want to run away.

I'm not going to say everything that has happened but these are more recent examples. I want to run away. Hopefully to a different city. I know I am almost 18 but the reason I want to now is so that I can get emancipated. My dad makes over $400,000 a year at times yet suddenly refused to help me pay for college. The reason I am reaching out here is because I will never get to go to college if I don't have financial aid. If I get emancipated then I might be able to qualify.

What I'm wondering is if I am able to get a job and an apartment, can I become emancipated. I haven't documented my mom or dad's abuse so I don't think that will get me very far. I don't know what I am talking about but I'm going to try and run away tomorrow night. Wish me luck and if you have advice about the subject please let me know. It will be greatly appreciated (:

submitted by /u/angeliccat_
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