Can I Be Held Legally Responsible For My Neighbor's Goose Coming Into My Yard And Attacking A Delivery Driver?

Title is self explanatory. State is Montana. My neighbors own a fuck ass goose that has attacked myself, my family, and two delivery drivers in the whopping one week we have lived here. It comes onto our property every day and the neighbors are doing nothing to keep it inside their property. It has two chickens that also involve themselves in this needless goose-on-human violence. This honking feathered shitbag screams at the top of its lungs all day, every day, and will literally stand outside my front door and try to attack me if I go outside.
I know someone is going to say "just shoot it", but our neighbors give kinda bad vibes and I am afraid they would violently retaliate if I subjugated their demonic flying rat. I don't know how far I am responsible for my neighbors' utter refusal to keep their winged devil spawn from coming into my yard, but I would like to know.
And yes, despite the verbiage, this is a legitimate concern and not a troll post. Please help, my family is starving.
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