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Can Anything Be Done About Someone Leaving A Note On My Car

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So, basically, I live in a small collective of townhomes near my college campus. I read through our lease agreement multiple times, and nothing specifically states where you can and can't park in our parking lot.

The parking lot is set up weirdly, and the spots in front of our apartment are always full, which is not something I ever complain about because they are other residents who pay to live there the same as me and my roommates.

Well, around three weeks ago, my roommate found a note on her car that said, "Park somewhere else," and it was signed by the unit that she was parked in front of. We mostly brushed it off as maybe they thought she was someone parking there who didn't live there because she was in her dad's truck that day.

However, today I get up and go to get in my car that was parked in front of the same unit and was the only spot available in the entire lot when I got home yesterday. (I have parked there before because it is a common occurence that they are the closest spots to my unit and I have been in the same car the whole time we lived there) There was a note on my car signed again by this unit stating, "unit __ wonders why you keep parking here? We have to walk in the rain?" Which I should add that these spots are still not very close to my unit, I also had to walk in the rain but I didn't write notes to put on the cars in front of my unit.

Anyways, I will add that in my moment of anger I did write a note to leave on their door explaining that I also had to walk in the rain and the spots in front of my apartment were taken as well and I told them to grow up.

So what should I do, should I contact my property manager. It feels a bit like harassing but I am not really sure what can be done because they are just notes on a car and no real damage was done.

I should also add that these are college students so it's not like it's a family with children or elderly that are having to walk a bit farther than immediately in front of their apartment.

submitted by /u/Party-Opportunity126
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