Bail Bonds Men Keeps Saying He’ll Send Me My 350 Back But Hasn’t.

I was arrested in Myrtle beach South Carolina for a dui long story short I couldn’t make the 2k they were asking for. I called a local bail bonds men and he told me I’d have to pay 400 up front, but he told me that I would receive this back once I got done with court and everything was in the clear. Cool so skip to now (court was 2 days ago) I called him the day of after court to let him know I showed up and it went well and I asked him about that 350.. he told me he would send it via cashapp which I thought was a bit strange but hey we’re 3 hours apart so I wasn’t complaining. He told me he would send it the next day (today) and still hasn’t. I called him today to check up and he told me he would send it right now (this was 4 hours ago still nothing) i know there’s a 10% fee non refundable but I was told by him that I would be retuned that money after court not to mention he told me 2 times this week he would send it. What should I do? Call again? I wouldn’t be making a big deal out of it if I didn’t need the money but unfortunately life is hard right now and I have some bills I need paid for. I completely understand if they can’t refund it because that 10% but then again why lie 4 times about it instead of just telling me straight up? Someone help please!
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