At What Point Do I Legally Own My "possessions?"

I (currently a minor, M) was gifted a gaming console a few years ago for Christmas by my legal guardian. They recently demolished that console in a "fit of anger." However, they then threatened me with violence if I did not pay the amount of $400, which was the initial value of the console + accessories. I agreed to this because I had no other choice at the time, but wondering what I can do about especially 1-2 years after it happened. Their logic behind forcing me to pay for this was that I was the one that made them angry, therefore what happened while they were angry was my fault. They also stated that they were the one that gifted this item, and since they are my legal guardian, they have the right to do whatever they want to my possessions. This person also has access to my finances. I am wondering what the law is regarding this and minors, because this person can access my funds without restriction. (This took place in Oregon btw)
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