A Friend‘s Ex Is Threading To Out Them With Revenge Porn

I have a friend who is a bi man recently divorced ex-wife 15 years. He is still in the closet and she is using that to essentially make his life hell. She harasses him constantly, she shows up at random bars, hoping to find him and make sure that he’s not seeing anyone else. She has threatened to show up at his house and key anyone’s car that isn’t his and if he tries to fight back against the harassment, she threatens to out him to his very conservative family. She says that she has a video of him (without his consent btw) and compromising positions that she will send to his mom. He’s not sure if it’s true or not but he’s too scared to call her bluff. I’ve suggested taking legal action against her but he’s terrified of her retaliating and ending up disowned by his family and honestly no one should have to go through being forced out of the closet before they’re ready. Is there any preemptive legal action he can take? They share a child so no contact isn’t really an option. I tried researching it on my own, but I could only find the information about what to do after someone has shared revenge porn and I am hoping there’s an option to look into before it gets to that point.
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