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13 Year Old Brother Jumped Into A Foam Pit At Trampoline Park And Broke His Back In Three Different Places (us Michigan)

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Hello, I’m posting this on behalf of my mother and using a fresh account for privacy reasons.

Earlier today, my 13-year-old brother ("Youngest") went to a trampoline park with our family. We all signed waivers my mother signed for my brother, and I (18) signed my own.

About 30 minutes into our visit, Youngest and my 17-year-old brother ("Younger") were on a dueling platform made of metal wrapped in foam. Youngest threw an inflatable battering ram at Younger but missed. Realizing his mistake, he jumped off the platform into what was supposed to be a foam pit before Younger could push him off.

However, as soon as he landed, he started screaming in pain and struggled to move his legs. The staff rushed over, and we helped dig him out. He could stand and walk, but we quickly learned that the pit he jumped into was only 3 feet deep and it was the shallowest in the park and the only one with a hard flooring on the bottom instead of a trampoline at the bottom. This was especially alarming because this was the one area where people were meant to jump, fall, and slam down into safely. The staff also mentioned that there was supposed to be a layer of foam padding on the floor in addition to the foam cubes, which was missing.

At first, we thought he had just bruised or pulled something, but an hour later, he was still in extreme pain while lying on the couch literally sobbing because it hurt so much. We took him to urgent care, where doctors confirmed that he had fractured his L1, L2, and L3 vertebrae.

We are now wondering what legal action we can take, as this injury could have been prevented if proper safety measures were in place. The missing foam padding seems like clear negligence on the park’s part, and my brother is suffering because of it.

Any advice on what steps we should take would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Also, I'd like to make it know that I wrote this with the help of an AI assistant as I struggle to write coherent sentences (thanks autism).

submitted by /u/Past-Version-326
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