(usa-ca) I Notified My Roommate (who's Not On The Lease) The 21st Of Feb That We Might Have To Move Due To Potential Layoffs, It Happened, And Now She's Threatening To Stay In The Apartment And Not Leave And Is Making Crazy Threats Towards Me To Damage Th

Backstory: I'm a federal employee and was laid off at random, we thought it was a possibility because we got some amount of notice. I put in a 30 day notice on the 21st of February for us to leave on the 28th, quite literally Thursday morning we got notice of the worse case scenario. PLEASE DON'T MAKE THIS POLITICAL.
Current Situation: I notified her that it happened and we have to start packing. 2 hours later I get the text "Leaving doesn't work like you said" I reminded her that a 30 day notice was in effect because this was likely happening so to start preparing and that unemployment doesn't pay me enough to make the bills and that I have my partner whom I've dated for 1.5 years and that we're going to move in together temporarily (We love each other, but I don't want a job loss to be the reason we finally move in, just long enough to find a new job). Through a ridiculous texting war I can summarize the following happening;
- Her "Godparents" said I'm fucking her over and they're lawyers
- I reminded her that for 18 months she's lived with me I charged her a bargain for the room, only 600 dollars utilities included.
- I told her that it sounds more like the great situation is coming to an end and you're realizing you squandered a great opportunity to get your finances in order and that's not my concern
- I offered her the lease if she truly wants a place to stay she can come with the 2600 /mo for the deposit and take over it.
- She doesn't want this and expects me to find a new job and live with my partner
- I told her fuck no
- She doesn't want to pay electric or take anything over, she's truly expecting me to stay here and take care of her and her son
- She's making clear implications that I have some right to this place so she and her son she sees twice a week have a place to stay
- I told
- She claimed it's her place because she gets mail here
- I told her forward it to a mailbox at UPS
- She started making threats to be "petty" and starting brat-like behavior such as;
- "Regretting bringing my son around cause you're leaving to be with your partner and that she'll make sure i'll "never be around anyone else"
- This felt so weird I took all the sharp objects out of the apartment
- " I'm a guy, so imagine how this will sound, I really hope shes not implying what i think she is
- Leaving the place a wreck and damaging the property, she's already put a dent in the wall
- Reached out to my partner to insinuate that I've had sex with a platonic friend when reality was we closed the door to talk and get away from her toxic fucking behavior and energy
- Telling me that "I thought you cared about me and my son and now you're abandoning us" (WTFFFF?!?!?)
- She scared the third person living here so badly he bought a train ticket to texas last night and left in the middle of the night and his words were "I can't deal with this anymore, she's too toxic and I have family while I figure out what comes next"
- That I'm sending "negative thoughts her way"
- These thoughts being NOTHING more than telling her what's happening, she's literally retreating and acting like this is some Disney Tale that she can just boss her away
- Saying to "try me" if I choose NOT to stay in the apartment
- "Regretting bringing my son around cause you're leaving to be with your partner and that she'll make sure i'll "never be around anyone else"
FWIW: I'm planning on going to the police to let them know with the lease, text messages with information about her name and my apartment so if any weird police calls come through they know what's up. Please help me out here I'm fucking stressed.
NB: I also know because i've helped pick up her kid with her several times where the grandmother and ex husband live, should I tell them about how she's behaving after I let the police know? I really don't know what to do.
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