Sunday Links: A Shrinking Pie

- Franklin Templeton ($BEN) is moving aggressively beyond stocks and bonds. (
- How fast can Blackrock ($BLK) really grow earnings? (
- How this hedge fund cleaned up on the sale of Seagen to Pfizer ($PFE). (
- It's hard to overstate the importance of Alphabet's ($GOOGL) YouTube. (
- Global plastic making capacity keeps rising. (
- Why it matters who has liability when an autonomous vehicle is in a crash. (
- India is facing its own booming housing market. (
- Thanks to foot dragging in the West, defeat in Ukraine is now a real possibility. (
- The homicide rates is falling rapidly in American cities. (
- The work-from-home era is bad for burglars. (
- There's little evidence that migrants commit more crime than the native borne. (
Elected officials
- Turnover among elected officials is still rising. (
- Congress is bleeding foreign policy expertise. (
- Let the four day workweek come about naturally, instead of mandating it. (
- Don't underestimate the lobbying power of the retirement account industry. (
- How employee-sponsored health insurance affects the Social Security system. (
- Paying off people's medical debt doesn't seem to move the needle on wellness. (
- Why some states are unwilling to help students to get food during the summer. (
- How religious exemptions could preempt stricter state abortion laws. (
- Why everyone keeps underestimating the strength of the U.S. economy. (
- Why don't Americans have more leisure time? (
- The economic schedule for the coming week. (
Earlier on Abnormal Returns
- Top clicks this week on the site. (
- What you missed our Saturday linkfest. (
- Some interesting developments in the financial media space. (
- Are you a financial adviser looking for some out-of-the-box thinking? Then check out our weekly e-mail newsletter. (