Biden's Running On Obamacare, And It's Breaking Trump's Brain

President Joe Biden and some powerful friends have been celebrating the 14th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act this week by going on offense against Donald Trump, and it’s got Trump rattled. Witness Trump’s recent headline-making (and comical) meltdown: “I’m not running to terminate the ACA, AS CROOKED JOE BUDEN DISINFORMATES AND MISINFORMATES ALL THE TIME.”
Seizing the advantage of a flailing Trump, Biden is pressing forward with both rhetoric and action. On Thursday, the Biden administration announced a deadline extension to allow the 19 million people who’ve lost Medicaid coverage to find plans on the federal insurance exchange. The end of the pandemic emergency resulted in a mass disenrollment from Medicaid. Now those affected will have until Nov. 30 to find coverage on and the administration is urging the states that have their own exchanges to extend their deadlines as well.
Biden is also leaning hard on Trump’s attacks on Obamacare. In a speech Tuesday celebrating the anniversary, Biden called him out.
“Trump and his MAGA friends in Congress want to get rid of the ACA and kick these Americans off their health insurance. It’s sick,” he said.
“Now they want to, quote—his word—‘terminate’ the ACA, as my predecessor says. If that ever happened, we’d also terminate a lot of lives as well,” Biden said. “But we’re not going to let that happen.”