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“the Creator Even Apologized For Creating Them”: 59 Things People Wish Were Never Invented

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With technology and nearly everything around us developed in leaps and bounds nowadays, it’s clear that innovation has become one of the driving forces for change in our world. However, not all inventions or innovative solutions have resulted in positive change only, which is why some people would rather that they weren’t invented in the first place.

Members of the ‘Ask Reddit’ community recently discussed what things they would like to “dis-invent” if they had a chance. With answers ranging from cigarettes to social media, netizens provided some interesting perspectives, which you can find on the list below. Scroll down to view their answers and learn what inventions might not have changed our world for the better.


Pop-up ads.


The creator of them even apologized for creating them.

Image credits: AviatorShades_


The tipping option when I check out on those computers at the checkout counter.


Maybe tips in general. Just pay people for the work they do.things-people-would-disinvent-10-660bff6

Image credits: PotatoshavePockets


Mandatory cookies to view websites.things-people-would-disinvent-16-660c07c

Image credits: Mandrake_m2


Cars with screens on the dash. Give me back my buttons and dials goddamn it!!things-people-would-disinvent-26-660c175

Image credits: bri_2498


Certain dog breeds, like all the brachycephalic (flat-nosed dogs such as frenchies and bull dogs).things-people-would-disinvent-17-660c072

Image credits: tnderosa


Nuclear bomb probably. Let's put that back in Pandora's box.things-people-would-disinvent-4-660bfc18

Image credits: Anonymous_katniss


Child Beauty Pageants. They just seem really toxic and creepy.things-people-would-disinvent-14-660c044

Image credits: evilprozac79


Coffee Pods - they are disgustingly wasteful.things-people-would-disinvent-13-660c014

Image credits: Anim8nFool


Landmines. Seriously. They f**k up people long after wars are finished.


There’s an estimated 800,000 TONS of unexploded ordnance still in Vietnam, that would take hundreds of years to clear out. For context, the bomb dropped in Hiroshima had a yield of about 15,000 tons of TNT.things-people-would-disinvent-6-660bfd4e

Image credits: NaughtyDaisyDelight


Social media. 


This! It was innocent in the MySpace days. Then Facebook came along and everything after that ruined it. I don't see anything good that has come of it. Nothing but toxicity, hate, division and arguing.things-people-would-disinvent-21-660c0a8

Image credits: Sarcastic_Fridge


Those nearly-blinding, unnecessarily bright car head lamps.things-people-would-disinvent-11-660c002

Image credits: anonicrow


Glitter. I seriously consider it to be the worst human invention.things-people-would-disinvent-20-660c0a5

Image credits: Wayard_1



Image credits: RainbowsandCoffee966


Spam calls, robo calls, phishing emails.things-people-would-disinvent-12-660c00a

Image credits: Hungry-panda23


The medical insurance industry.


The problem with modern insurance is that it’s been completely corrupted with the drive for profit. In a pure form insurance has the potential to be incredibly beneficial to the people who use it, but the profit incentive causes companies to use every trick and loophole in the book to not give out what is owed.things-people-would-disinvent-8-660bfe4e

Image credits: PizzaPastaRigatoni


Pyramid schemesthings-people-would-disinvent-28-660c186

Image credits: Mandrake_m2


Subscription services. Either let me try it for free then buy it full Price or let me rent it and charge me only for the amount of time I used it for.

Of course, it doesn't apply to everything. Subscriptions make sense for something like Apple Music, Xbox Game Pass or Costco, but I don't want to have to pay Adobe 60 dollars a month for Photoshop when I could just rent a license. You don't subscribe to a car, you just rent it for how many days you need it for.things-people-would-disinvent-9-660bfeb5

Image credits: SwiftlyIntrestedFr



AI for practical purposes like medicine is great. But generative AI in the way we're mostly seeing it applied has the dual effect of putting us in an information dark age by making anything able to be fabricated, while also ruining industries based on art. Hands down my choice for what needs to be disinvented.


The packages they put scissors in… that you need scissor to open. Wtf?things-people-would-disinvent-7-660bfdf5

Image credits: AnxiousTelephone2997


Vapes. Tossed mine in the trash an hour ago, though.things-people-would-disinvent-15-660c04e

Image credits: whatataco




40 hour workweek. F**k that guy.things-people-would-disinvent-18-660c081

Image credits: Grow-away123


Planned obsolescence.


Here’s my go to planned obsolescence example. My mom bought her first microwave in 1984. It’s traveled to 3 houses and still works perfect. She redid her kitchen and got all new appliances EXCEPT for a microwave. I have lived out of the house for 23 years and have had at least 7 microwaves. They keep cr*pping out and I buy a new one. That is planned obsolescence in a nutshell.


Autocorrect. It's like that well-meaning friend who jumps into your conversations with totally off-base corrections. You’re trying to type something heartfelt or important, and it’s over there like, “Did you mean 'duck'? No, Autocorrect, I did not mean to tell my boss I'll have the report done 'ducking soon.things-people-would-disinvent-19-660c088

Image credits: negativediscord



Image credits: SageOfShadows54


Organized religion.things-people-would-disinvent-5-660bfce1

Image credits: JayKay11


Patents for Insulin.


I'd say medicinal patents In general, let the prices fall, and the diabetics rejoice.things-people-would-disinvent-24-660c143

Image credits: ApartmentCapital8880


Everything that Thomas Midgley Jr invented - specifically leaded gasoline and CFCs (the things that destroyed the ozone layer).

He is the person in history who can be directly attributed to the most environmental damage done by the inventions of a single person.things-people-would-disinvent-25-660c16e

Image credits: HappiHappiHappi


Advertising. The primary goal of advertising is to manufacture desire, and the Buddhists are on to something with the claim that desire is the root of all suffering. It’s the enemy of being content and satisfied with your life. It’s an omnipresent lie that’s repeated over and over that says this or that product will finally make you happy when it never will. It’s contributed to the worst parts of consumer capitalism. Cigarettes, the obesity epidemic, and more generally the mass overconsumption that has led to the rapid degradation of our planet.


Our two-tiered justice system; One for the wealthy and politically connected, and one for the rest of us.things-people-would-disinvent-22-660c12a

Image credits: Daflehrer1




A gift, and a curse.


Phones and computers in which you can't easily replace the battery.


That dumb paper sticker that gets put on stuff that is IMPOSSIBLE to remove cleanly.


Household appliances that are tied to subscription services.



Image credits: Smart_Chocolate3185


Single-knob showers.Those damn things can be turned like 360* around but everyone knows that there’s only a single *molecule* of that distance that doesn’t make the water blazing hot or frigidly cold. Two knobs. Give me my choices back.


The concept of lobbying.


A lot of inventions mentioned here that have had positive outcomes alongside of negative ones. HOA’s however may look good on paper, but hath wrought no good to this world.


Earphonejack-less iPhone.


The ad-based internet.


The algorithms used by real-estate moguls to buy up new homes the moment they're listed on the market.




Corporate personhood.


Stupid grey vinyl flooring.


I don't know if I could de-invent it but I'd sure like to ban it 24-hour news cycle there was a time when people could read a paper or watch 26 minutes of news in the evening and share what they felt and saw with each other. Now everybody has to have a riot a movement lawyers it's gone insane a lot of these people act like their babies on fire.


Micro-transactions and live-service games have completely ruined the videogame industry and I don’t see it ever recovering.things-people-would-disinvent-23-660c13b

Image credits: Phoenix6995




The modern credit system. It rewards bad habits that are simply good for companies.


VX Nerve agent.


Software as a Service. Just release a full new build every few years like they used to.

The concept of the Day One patch. Fix your damn software before shipping!


Those persistent forever chemicals.


Personal automobile. Cars in general are fine, fire trucks and ambulances for instance. But America's cities are designed around cars and made for them instead of people. If the automobile industry hadn't lobbied city officials in the early twentieth century to design city's in such a way that you need a car to live in them, then we could have cities with safe and efficient public transportation. We could have residential areas designed in such a way that you wouldn't need a car, and we could have high speed rail between cities.
Cars are expensive, polluting, inefficient, and worst of all, dangerous.


Agent orange, the chemical not the band.


The smart phone. The Internet is great, and cell phones are great. Being able to so easily share your opinion and emotions has been detrimental to our society as a whole.


Microsoft outlook’s search function.


Sticky traps. There are more humane ways. I remember crying my eyes out as a child when I found a lizard on the one my parents had under our computer desk for fleas. I tried saving him and ripped his legs off


House remodels with materials so cheap they instantly need replacing. 


CAPTCHA. That's not a motorcycle, that's a moped. And I still don't think the rider should count as part of the motorcycle.


Speed bumps (and no,not because I speed. I don't.).
