I Can’t Wait To Punch Gary Coleman In The Mouth In ‘postal 2 Vr’

Yes, before anything else, you read that correctly. Postal 2, one of the most ridiculous and wild FPS games of all time, is finally making the plunge into the world of Virtual Reality. At the time of its release, Postal 2 was all the rage, especially for those ready to clutch their pearls and claim heresy. Now, we’ll get to clutch our pearls while we’re playing as the Postal Dude, causing as much chaos as humanly possible. But I already know the first thing I’m going to do is punch Gary Coleman in the mouth. Well, that, and probably start things on fire and just do whatever I want to.
22 Years After Its Initial Release, ‘Postal 2 VR’ Finally Lands Where It Belongs
The idea of having unparalleled freedom to do whatever you want is what Postal 2 and Postal 2 VR are all about. And bringing that untamed carnage to VR sounds like a dream come true, especially for folks that grew up with the franchise. While I’m sure that it’s potty humor hasn’t aged like the finest of wine, I’ll be glad to take the piss (on someone) in VR when this finally releases.
Flat2VR Studios has brought plenty of games to life in this new dimension, but none have been quite as “controversial” as Postal 2. So seeing this was a bit of a shock to the system, as it’s one of those games that sparked a moral outrage back when it was released. Grab a cat and shove it on your gun for a silencer. Pee on everything. Dismember everyone. It’s going to be a wild ride having this back in VR, and I’m so glad that it exists.
While no release date, or even release window, was announced, we know that we’ll be able to dive into this one on Meta Quest, PC VR, and PS VR 2. And seeing as VR is a great way to get a sense of scale, I can’t wait to throw Gary Coleman like a football. Dude was a menace in this game, so I’m really hoping this is the pure experience, just available in VR.
The post I Can’t Wait To Punch Gary Coleman in the Mouth in ‘Postal 2 VR’ appeared first on VICE.