Conway’s Game Of Hope

No, that’s not a typo. Alexander Miller created a fable of emergence that brings together Pandora and Dr. John Conway in the Game of Hope. Fantastic find via flowingdata.
Conway led Pandora to a patch of dirt near her house. He gathered some stones and a small stick from the ground. Pandora observed with puzzlement as he used the stick to draw a grid in the dirt.
“Excuse my unusual method, but I ask that you humor me. I said I would bring you to the place where I met hope, but the path we must take is hidden. If you permit me, I will explain to you the rules of a particular game, which when played properly will reveal the path.”
“Please, continue.”“The game in question is played on a two dimensional grid of square cells, like the grid I have drawn here in the dirt. Each cell of the grid can either be ‘alive’ or ‘dead’. If a cell is empty, it is dead; if a cell is filled with a stone, it is alive.
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