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87 Times Men Just Had To Shame Their Wives And Gfs For Their Chaotic Behavior

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When we think about stereotypes, girls are supposed to be the clean ones. In our collective minds, women are cleaning and tidying up in the house and urging their significant others to do the same. In reality, we can be as messy and gross as the guys. It's exhausting to keep a pristine home, so we dabble in the occasional weaponized incompetence, too.

We've compiled a selection of the most hilarious, irritating, and vexing pics of boyfriends and husbands coming across the messes that their girlfriends or wives made. Some of them include nasty habits – others are just fun quirks. But the bottom line is this: we can all be messy and weird, and the best way to approach it is probably with a healthy dose of humor.

#1 My Girlfriend's Kitchen, Everyone

Image credits: billybear0108

#2 This Was My Wife's "Trash Pile" From Destemming The Strawberries


Image credits: OuterSpacePotatoMann

#3 The Way My Wife Cuts Tomatoes


Image credits: flerbergerber

In addition to being inaccurate, stereotypes about which gender is tidier don't benefit either of them. Then one group are slobs, and the other has to face constant pressure to be 'the clean ones.' Is there any evidence to support the claims that either men or women are cleaner?

A 2012 study found that men's office desks tend to be "consistently more contaminated." Other research in the past has also suggested that men wash their hands and brush their teeth less than women do. And that's especially true when it comes to using the bathroom. A 2013 study revealed that only 77% of men whom the researchers observed at the Michigan State University campus washed their hands after using the bathroom.

#4 My Girlfriend Throws Her Daily Contact Lenses Behind The Headboard Of Our Bed


Image credits: FireRotor

#5 The Way That My Girlfriend Eats A Pizza


Image credits: alarik98

#6 The New Jar Of Nutella My Girlfriend Tried To Heat In The Microwave


Image credits: aintx

What were the numbers for women? Considerably better. 93% of women washed their hands after a visit to the bathroom. Out of those who washed their hands, 50% of men used soap, compared to 78% of women. And here's the bad news for all: only 5% of all people the researchers observed washed their hands long enough to kill all germs.

Another interesting phenomenon comes to light when we look at what cleanliness factors people say are important to them. Interestingly, both men and women (98%) agree that washing their hands after using the toilet is important. But only 84% of men believe this habit is very important, while the percentage for women is much higher – 91%.

#7 How My Fiancee Eats McNuggets


Image credits: Egbezi

#8 This Is How My Wife Leaves A Dish After Taking It Out Of The Oven And Walking Away. We Have Children And A Dog


Image credits: TeriasP

#9 This Is How My Wife Deals With Avocados


Image credits: pelito

The same trend follows throughout the rest of the poll. More women than men believe that changing undergarments and clothes and washing hands after using public transportation are crucial behaviors. The same goes for habits like sanitizing mobile devices, living spaces, and work spaces: only about a third of men find these practices to be important.

#10 Wife Didn't Want Anything From The Burger King, So I Got Home, Went To The Bathroom, And Came Back To This


Image credits: Punch_Your_Facehole

#11 My Wife Leaves Her Used Floss There For The Next Day


Image credits: itsokmomma

#12 My Lunatic Wife Cuts Bananas In Half And Just Leaves The Top


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However, just because women say that cleaner spaces and personal hygiene matter to them greatly doesn't mean that they are, in fact, tidier or that they have better personal hygiene. Susan Michie, health psychology professor and director of the Centre for Behavior Change at the Department of Clinical, Educational, and Health Psychology at University College London, believes that such behaviors are socially programmed, not genetic. "Women are more focused on care than men – childcare, household care, personal care," she explained.

#13 I've Watched My Partner Pick Her Nose While She Drives But Never Made The Connection Of Where She Wipes Her Snot Until I Drove Her Car


Image credits: chichi-lover

#14 My Partner Put My Laptop In The Freezer Cause It Was Overheating


Image credits: Hambino0400

#15 My Wife Puts Her Hairballs Anywhere But The Trash Can


Image credits: Historical_Air_8997

The researcher who conducted the Michigan State University campus study, Carl Borchgrevink, suggested that men washed their hands less because they believe fearing germs is emasculating. "We did talk to some of [the men] and ask, 'Why didn't [you] wash your hands?' And they would look at us indignantly and say, 'I'm clean, I don't need to wash my hands.' They had a sense of invincibility."

#16 I Think I Married A Sociopath. The Way My Wife Uses Her Magnesium Supplements


Image credits: rubber_otter

#17 How My Girlfriend Doesn't Zip The Resealable Bag Closed And Puts The Bag Upside Down


Image credits: hunt103

#18 Every Time My Girlfriend Gets Drunk


Image credits: Panderverse

Men and women also perceive their messy surroundings differently. In a 2012 UCLA study, mothers and fathers did video tours of their homes with researchers who observed their levels of the stress hormone cortisol. They found that the mothers felt more stressed in cluttered environments, and the fathers remained psychologically unaffected.

#19 My Partner Insists That The Scrub Mommy Is A Washcloth, And This Is How She Stores It


Image credits: Price-x-Field

#20 My Wife Only Takes A Few Bites Of An Apple And "Saves The Rest For Later"


Image credits: MethIsntCool

#21 My Wife Just Throws Her Kitchen Scraps In The Sink Instead Of The Trash Can Because "The Disposal Can Handle It." The Sink Disposal Is Not A Trash Can, Right?


Image credits: kirby5801

The mothers used words like "mess," "not fun," and "very chaotic" when describing their homes. The fathers, on the other hand, didn't mention the messy environments at all. "Fathers in their home tours would walk in the same rooms their wives had come through and often made no mention whatsoever of the messiness and were unaffected psychologically," UCLA professor of anthropology, Jeanne Arnold, said.

#22 My Wife Doesn't Throw Her Trash Away Before Putting Her Dish In The Sink, So I Often End Up With This


Image credits: notanalien000

#23 How My Wife Puts Away The Cutlery


Image credits: FGGF

#24 My Wife Putting This Peanut Butter In The Trash Because "It's Empty"


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But that doesn't mean that men don't notice the mess. In 2019, researchers showed participants photographs of messy rooms. They found that "men and women respondents do not differ in their perceptions of how messy a room is or how urgent it is to clean it up."

#25 My Girlfriend Leaves The Bath Tub Running Slightly 24/7, 365 Because Her Cat Likes To Stick His Paws In It


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#26 My Wife Doesn't Get All The Ice Out Of One Tray Before Using Another


Image credits: jonnybanana88

#27 My Wife Leaves The Lights On For No Reason


Image credits: One_pop_each

However, the respondents did care about to whom the messy room belonged. Upon hearing that a woman lives in the clean room, the participants judged it as less clean than when a man lived there.

They also thought that guests would judge the woman more and that she would feel uncomfortable having people over. And it was here that the main difference presented itself: we hold women to a higher standard of cleanliness than men.

#28 How My Girlfriend Has Her Car Every Time She Visits


Image credits: NeedsMoreBunGuns

#29 The Way My Wife Opens Things


Image credits: theDaninDanger

#30 How My Partner Leaves The Sugar After Making Coffee


Image credits: cheeky-ninja30

It's also worth mentioning that the conclusions of the study played into the stereotype that men are lazy slobs. Respondents said that if the messy room belonged to a man, he was less responsible and hardworking. Yet participants didn't think that visitors would judge the man. "There's no expected social consequence to that," one of the researchers, Sarah Thébaud, said. "It's that 'Boys will be boys' thing."

#31 Happily Obliged When My Wife Said She Would Mow The Grass


Image credits: leakasauras

#32 I Went To The Bathroom And Came Back To Find That My Girlfriend Had Taken A Bite Out Of My Burrito


Image credits: AGreenProducer

#33 My Wife Insists This Is Normal


Image credits: mgf1439

#34 My Wife Washed My New Pair Of Jeans So I Could Wear Them Today. She Also Threw In Her Big And Fuzzy Blanket


Image credits: MelArlo

#35 My Wife Keeps Using My iPad As Her Coaster


Image credits: JayTheSay

#36 My Wife Never Finishes A Bottle Of Shampoo Or Body Wash Before Buying A New Kind And Leaving The Old Ones


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#37 The Way My Wife Stored A Birthday Cake In The Refrigerator


Image credits: Delicious_Score_551

#38 My Fiancee, Ladies And Gentlemen


Image credits: AutomatonVigor

#39 Check Before Buying Groceries

My wife never checks if we have something or not before going to the grocery store or, even worse, ordering online. Case in point: about 7 cream cheeses. Varieties are nice, but we'll never use them up without bagels 3 meals a day. It's not really a money thing, but I just hate wasting food.


Image credits: namadio

#40 Where My Girlfriend Left Her Cup Of Water


Image credits: plsletmestayincanada

#41 This Is What My Wife Does To Muffins


Image credits: kmkent51

#42 Things My Wife Leaves In The Fridge


Image credits: SnooLobsters8922

#43 My Wife Kept Threatening To Throw Away My Favorite Pair Of Yard Work Shorts. Today I Found Them Like This


Image credits: buckeyespud

#44 My Wife: "I Always Check The Lint Trap." Every Time I Check The Lint Trap, I Find It Like This


Image credits: stlredbird

#45 The Way My Wife "Slices" An Avocado


Image credits: Dont_Tell_Me_Now

#46 My Wife Uses The Mustard Once And Then Buys A New Bottle


Image credits: itsyaboyivan

#47 How My Wife Loads The Dishwasher


Image credits: beastly13579

#48 "It's Always So Cold In Our House. Our Furnace Sucks." -Wife In January 2020 When It's -32°C


Image credits: dfGobBluth

#49 My Partner Never Finishes The Juices We Buy. She Thinks Once The Liquid Hits This Point, It's No Longer Safe To Drink


Image credits: Powerful_Being4142

#50 My Girlfriend Rips My Socks That Have Visible Holes In Them To Force Me To Buy New Ones


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#51 My Wife’s Idea Of Sharing A Croissant. She Only Likes The Shell


Image credits: motivateyourself

#52 The Way My Wife Eats Cinnamon Rolls


Image credits: PowerfulMongoose

#53 This Is How My Girlfriend Eats A Cheesecake


Image credits: PsychoanalyticalDido

#54 My Wife, After She "Cleans" The Dishes


Image credits: royhy

#55 My Girlfriend Will Cut Off The Stuffed Crust And Leave The Rest For Someone Else


Image credits: 7DWest

#56 How My Girlfriend Eats Frosted Cake


Image credits: YngGunz

#57 My Girlfriend Only Eats The First Bite Of Cookies Because "It's The Best Bite"


Image credits: ShallowBox

#58 My Wife Never Fully Screws The Lids Back Onto Anything


Image credits: EchoJXTV

#59 This Represents A Single Week Of Mugs And Glasses That My Wife Leaves In Our Bathroom. I Clean All Of These Every Week, And They Are Back The Next. Anyone Else Feel My Pain?


Image credits: newmyy

#60 My Girlfriend Refuses To Eat The "Crust" Of A Pancake


Image credits: yelpisforsnitches

#61 My Wife Never Replaces The Roll. This Is The Closest She Will Get


Image credits: kawikacosta

#62 My Wife Spits Her Seed Shells Into The Door Handle Of Our Car


Image credits: slangin_meds

#63 The Way My Wife Changes The Toilet Paper Roll


Image credits: FunWithAPorpoise

#64 My Girlfriend Opens New Water Bottles Without Finishing The Others First. Send Help, Please


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#65 Fiancee Wanted An Iced Latte


Image credits: SKirsch10x

#66 How My Wife Throws Away Boxes


Image credits: nowandlater

#67 My Wife Leaves The Empty Candy Wrappers In The Bowl Of Candy As She Eats Them


Image credits: SirDeezNutzEsq

#68 Every Time I Use My Wife's Vehicle. Every. Single. Time


Image credits: HARCES

#69 My Wife And Kids Find This Perfectly Normal And Acceptable


Image credits: Echo_Romeo571

#70 My Girlfriend Said She Would Be Ready In 5 Minutes


Image credits: TheLodgeRemembers

#71 The Way My Wife Cuts And Leaves Bananas


Image credits: HumblyAdrift

#72 My Wife Constantly Does This. She Stops Wanting Her Drink Around This Point And Says, "You Finish It"


Image credits: ConsoleKev

#73 The Way My Girlfriend Puts Away The Groceries


Image credits: TrappaTroopa

#74 Wife Asked Me To Put Some Gas In Her Car Before She Drives To Work Tomorrow


Image credits: Texas12thMan

#75 My Wife Had An Idea, So She Made Me Keep This Area White While Painting. Turns Out, She Had No Further Plans For This


Image credits: Mikelitoris88

#76 I Asked My Wife To Keep The Oven On Low For The Burgers. She Put It On Low, Broil, And Forgot To Take The Plastic Cover Off


Image credits: PartyRooster

#77 My Wife Eats Apples From The Bottom Including The Core


Image credits: Sp3nc3r420

#78 No Honey, The Dish That The Costco Roast Chicken Is In, Is Not Oven-Safe


Image credits: BareNakedSole

#79 Asked My Wife To Cut My Hair


Image credits: M0shka

#80 Girlfriend Lit A Candle Under The TV


Image credits: hypebst

#81 I Let Girlfriend Take A Sip Of My Energy Drink


Image credits: DingoKis

#82 My Wife Dropped Peanut Butter Toast On The Floor. That Was 24 Hours Ago


Image credits: Hand-Driven

#83 The Way My Girlfriend Places Her Laptop


Image credits: darryljenks

#84 I Recently Got My Girlfriend A Lamp With A Built-In Wireless Charger, Because She Always Misplaces Her Charging Cable Before Bed. Soon After She Got A Pop Socket


Image credits: ixnine

#85 My Wife Never Finishes Water Bottles. Just Always Grabs A New One. Hours Ago I Just Cleaned Up A Ton Of Her Leftover Ones


Image credits: OGBlobBlob

#86 Girlfriend Will Put Trash On The Counter By The Trash Can Because She Thinks That The Trash Is Too Gross To Touch, Even Though We Have An Automatic Lid


Image credits: Christafaaa

#87 Every Week My Wife Buys 2 Bananas, And Every Week I Throw Them Out


Image credits: CanadianBudd
