75 Failed Tries At Following A Recipe That Led To The Most Hilarious Reviews (new Pics)

It’s often said that cooking is an art, while baking is a science. But in both of these cases, it doesn’t mean that you can add chaotic things into the mix and think that everything will magically work out for you. If you’re relying on luck instead of logic or the recipe, you’re going to have a bad time.
‘I Didn’t Have Eggs’ is a fascinating and funny subreddit that shares negative reviews by people who cannot follow recipes and then complain that the dish is bad. Very often, they substitute essential ingredients for wildly different ones or choose cheaper products instead of high-quality ones. Scroll down to confirm that following even simple recipes is an insurmountable challenge for some amateur chefs.
#1 "4 Cups Of Apple Cider Vinegar To 2 Bottles Of Wine Was Absurd." Yes It Was
Image credits: ohhiiiiiiiiii
#2 Found In An Old Church Recipe Book

Image credits: reddit.com
#3 This Recipe For Thanksgiving Stuffing

Image credits: Jordayumm
When it comes to following recipes, the best advice that anyone can give is to read through the entire thing thoroughly. More than once, if possible! That way, you can avoid a ton of mistakes because you’ll know what to expect. You’ll know what specific ingredients you’ll need.
You’ll know what tools you should have available in your kitchen. And you’ll know the general time frame that your awesome cooking or baking marvel is going to require.
#4 On A Recipe For Fish Pie. Love That They Got Called Out On It!

Image credits: AvocadosAtLaw95
#5 Blender Chocolate Mousse

Image credits: Neckbreaker70
#6 Reading This One Activated My Flight Or Fight Response

Image credits: Whitershadeofforever
When you’re familiar with the recipe, you can prepare in advance. You can buy all the ingredients that you’re missing at home instead of having to rely on substitutions or rushing to the local store while you’re in the middle of cooking.
Not only that, but you can do a lot of the prep work in advance to save you some time.
#7 Recipe For A London Broil Marinade. There Indeed Is No Pepsi Or Coke

Image credits: abbattoirnoises
#8 Christopher Has Had Enough Of Reading About Other People's Substitutions

Image credits: D4b513
#9 On A Recipe For Yorkshire Puddings Where The Only Ingredients Are Flour, Eggs, Milk And Oil

Image credits: marting-
The r/ididnthaveeggs subreddit is a fairly large one, boasting 321k members from all around the world at the time of writing. The idea behind the group is very simple. It’s meant to gently poke fun at home chefs who leave terrible recipe reviews. First, they don’t follow the recipes. Next, they complain that the recipes are somehow to blame for their failed results.
#10 I Think They Should Reread Their Review

Image credits: putthakookidown
#11 1 Star Because An Ingredient Is Toxic To Dogs

Image credits: Unplannedroute
#12 Today In “Not Every Recipe Is For You”

Image credits: MoreNuancedThanThat
The content shared by the members of the subreddit is great for a few laughs. And it’s proof that some folks will go to amazing lengths to blame everyone and anyone for their mistakes but themselves. Humility and the ability to take responsibility for one’s (in)actions are a huge part of being a mature grownup.
They’re also useful skills if you aim to grow as a professional in any field. If you only ever try to dodge any and all blame, you only end up slowing your own learning progress.
#13 Because We All Know Cheddar Cheese Is The Superior Pairing With White Chocolate

Image credits: Brandonitis
#14 This Person Added An Unnecessary Egg And Got Mad The Cake Was Ruined

Image credits: Banana_Skirt
#15 Emma Honey…no

Image credits: Neat-Cold-7235
If you’re planning on being a member of this sub, then you’ve got to do your best to follow the rules as set out by the small but dedicated team of moderators. For one, everyone’s expected to behave in a civil manner. “We aren't here to mercilessly mock anyone; stay on the snark side of the snark/mockery line,” they urge everyone.
#16 Doubled The Rhubarb… Unsure Why It’s Tart

Image credits: agoodmalbec
#17 I Followed The Recipe, Except I Didn’t

Image credits: arintj
#18 This Bourbon Chicken Recipe Review

Image credits: Thermoxin
The moderators also remind everyone that not only should you behave politely when interacting with your fellow redditors, but you should also give some grace to the people whose reviews get posted on the subreddit. Gentle criticism and humor are fine.
Mean-spirited mockery is stepping over some boundaries. It’s important to remember that even delusional amateur chefs who can’t follow recipes are people, too. And everyone deserves at least some basic respect.
#19 I Took Out The Leavening, Why Was It So Rubbery?

Image credits: TheLadyEve
#20 2-Ingredient Banana Peanut Butter Nice Cream

Image credits: b_xf
#21 Just Devastated That Mayonnaise Doesn’t Make Good Frosting. But I Still Ate It

Image credits: reddit.com
The type of content that gets shared on ‘I Didn’t Have Eggs’ can vary quite a bit. Probably the most well-known and common format is folks complaining about recipes after having made significant alterations that ended up ruining the entire dish. Other posts include reviews that are unhelpful or comically irrelevant, as well as reviews where someone severely misunderstood what’s required of them.
#22 If You Think Recipe Blogs Drone On Too Much You're Not Ready For Stacy's Review

Image credits: rockspud
#23 Glad I Found This Sub So I Can Share My All-Time Favorite Recipe Comment, Wherein The Author Accuses His Own Mother Of Murder Via Food

Image credits: rofltide
#24 I Don’t Think You Should Eat That…

Image credits: Damn_Canadian
However, reviews where somebody alters the recipe due to personal taste don’t actually belong on this subreddit. What’s more, if the chef isn’t complaining about the recipe or the recipe itself remains largely intact, there’s not much humor to be found.
These types of posts don’t quite fit the idea behind the group, so they might end up getting pruned. But it’s very likely that the internet will never run out of bad recipe reviewers so long as common sense continues to be so rare.
#25 Used Self-Raising Flour As They Felt A Personal Connection To The Name??

Image credits: cryptic-doughnut
#26 Lucille Bluth Vibes

Image credits: Azin1970
#27 Not Your Fault I Burnt The Brownies But 1 Star For You Anyway

Image credits: schoggi-gipfeli
The moderators running the group actually have a fondness for satire as well. If a bad recipe review is obviously satirical in nature, you can post it on specific days. Namely—Satire Saturdays.
In the meantime, all redditors are encouraged to never interact with the people whose reviews get posted on the subreddit. This helps avoid a lot of the potential emotional fallout if someone recognizes that it’s their review being poked fun at.
#28 Added Uncalled For Vinegar And Now It Tastes Like Vinegar

Image credits: itscoolaubs
#29 "I Dont Eat This S**t Sorry Beth"

Image credits: rosegrim
#30 On A Recipe For Sheet Pan Caramel Apples

Image credits: BiggestCheesecake
Which of these reviews did you find the funniest, Pandas? Have you ever tried substituting ingredients only to end up with an inedible disaster on your hands? Why do you personally think so many people have trouble following even simple and straightforward recipes?
Let us know what you think in the comment section at the bottom of the article. Meanwhile, for some more hilarity from r/ididnthaveeggs, check out earlier feature.
#31 Too Sweet For Bob

Image credits: honeyheyhey
#32 Cream Is Cream, Right?

Image credits: Reasonable_Ideal_356
#33 "The Texture Of This Cake Was Horrible. It's Definitely Not Because Of The Extra Cup Of Moisture I Added."

Image credits: rosegrim
#34 Margaret Wanted A Simple Recipe

Image credits: premarital-hex
#35 No Mention Of Corn In A Mexican Crema Recipe

Image credits: jillianjo
#36 Golden... Water??

Image credits: Illustrious_Half3588
#37 Contrary To The Sub Name, Megan Had Too Many Eggs

Image credits: CorvidiaPex
#38 I Didn't Follow The Recipe, What Did I Do Wrong?

Image credits: reddit.com
#39 Didn't Have Eggs... On A Recipe For Egg Tarts

Image credits: peachysana
#40 That’s Not How Reviews Work

Image credits: Pileofsadness16
#41 Proper Rating

Image credits: One_Cartographer_254
#42 On A Recipe For Pesto

Image credits: Arrster
#43 Inedible Recipe Turns Out To Be User Error By Husband

Image credits: Blue_wine_sloth
#44 I'm So Distraught That This Recipe Doesn't Have Coffee In It!

Image credits: YukiHase
#45 Is It Really That Important To Follow The Recipe?

Image credits: gillsthatkills
#46 Okay Nathan

Image credits: Salt_Expression_9831
#47 'hope You Can Find A Recipe That Better Suits Your Skill Level'

Image credits: jeremycorncob
#48 This Recipe Doesn’t Tell Me When To Use Chocolate Chips

Image credits: Kcjaybk
#49 Made Apple Cider Whoopie Pies (Amazing!), Then Scrolled Down To Read The Other Reviews

Image credits: vikingminds
#50 Daisy Saying What We All Want To

Image credits: StressyandMessy24
#51 I Think You Lack A Fundamental Understanding Of What Gluten Is

Image credits: Cat0grapher
#52 Fish Stock. The Recipe Called For Fish Stock

Image credits: Phreznipuf
#53 The Insanity Of A “Sweet Potato & Peanut Curry” Containing Peanuts

Image credits: Unhealthyfixation
#54 So Tasty It Sent My Dog To The Hospital. Definitely The Recipe's Fault. One Star

Image credits: puppylust
#55 Coffee Cake Without Coffee Didn't Taste Like Anything - Who Knew?

Image credits: tinytubist
#56 This Woman Would Choose The Kilogram Of Steel

Image credits: oh-my-god--7970
#57 Casually Boil & Push An Entire Pumpkin Through A Sieve, No Biggie

Image credits: amazingheather
#58 This Cannot Be Real, Was This One Of You Guys? - Slowcooker Korean Beef

Image credits: bunlengthweiners
#59 Surprised It Was Bland Without Salt

Image credits: Glad-Implement-4755
#60 Milk Allergy

Image credits: love_letterz
#61 Putting The Nuts In Peanuts

Image credits: UnholyCatFlaps
#62 American Pancakes

Image credits: greatcake8
#63 Nice To See Someone Actually Admit Their Mistake

Image credits: thekillerkrab
#64 Wonder Why

Image credits: Apprehensive-Sir358
#65 I Added 1.5 Tablespoons Of Salt To My Sweet Biscuits (Cookies) And They Taste Of Salt!

Image credits: bopsybunny
#66 Danielle Is Done Taking Any Bs

Image credits: Thbbbt_Thbbbt
#67 Sugar (!)

Image credits: peripheralcat
#68 Becky No

Image credits: juneshepard
#69 New Yorker Cartoon

Image credits: FanOfCicadas
#70 Teriyaki Worcestershire!

Image credits: fyngriselda
#71 You Tell Him, Dawn

Image credits: finishthoseerrands
#72 This Recipe Jammed My Printer

Image credits: jexdar
#73 Maybe The Problem Is My Oven?

Image credits: Latter-Toes
#74 Mom’s Were Better

Image credits: catblankets