66 Excuses From Students That Were So Crazy, They Couldn’t Have Made Them Up

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Smith. I wasn’t able to finish my homework because my dog actually ate it. So I tried to print out another copy, but the power went out. Then I tripped, hit my head and ended up spending the night in the hospital.”
Being a teacher is challenging for many reasons. The workload is intense, the wages are low and motivating students to care about their studies can feel like an impossible task. Especially when they never run out of creative excuses for why their assignments aren’t complete…
But once in a while, pupils come up with such outlandish justifications for their actions that they just have to be telling the truth. Educators on Reddit have recently been recalling the craziest excuses they’ve heard from students that were somehow true, so we've gathered the wildest ones below.
Not a teacher (yet) but when I was in highschool, on a snowy day. I was waiting for the tram. (Like a slower train that goes through the city, public transport basically) I saw the tram coming from around the corner, promptly before it derailed from the track completely.
So being the good student I am, I decided to call the school like, "Hey my name is .... from class ..... and you are not gonna believe what just happened." So I explained the situation, the school didn't believe it.
I get tapped on the shoulder by some woman I've never met in my life. She asked me what school I went to. I told her. She then asks if she can speak to my school. I'm like "Ehm, sure?
She only said three things, her name, that I was speaking the truth, and to tell the f*****g principal that there better be some hot chocolate waiting for me when I get there and then just hung up.
I'm still completely baffled by the balls it requires to talk to the school like that when she hands me back my phone, smiles, and tells me that she is the executive assistant of the school district supervisor.
Not me but this reminded me of an incident which made the news a few years ago. A high school boy came into class one morning with red eyes. His teacher immediately began grilling him about weed. The kid insisted that he hadn't done any d***s, his eyes were red from crying because his father had just died. The teacher didn't believe him.
It escalated to the point that the teacher kicked him out of class and sent him to the principle. The principle called his mother, who backed him up and said her husband had just passed away. The priciple still told her she would have to drop what she was doing and immediately take her son to an approved d**g testing center and pay for a d**g test, or else he was going to be suspended for showing up to school high.
His mother took him to get tested and sure enough, no weed. His father really had just died and that was his first day back at school. From what I remember his mom ended up suing the school.
I had a student casually come to me saying she wouldn't be in class on Thursday just as a "heads up" and started to leave my office. When I inquired why she very calmly and logically told me it was because she was going to [unalive] herself on the way home after she left campus. She had a complete plan of how and where to crash her car as to not injure anyone else. I told her we were going for a walk to our campus counselors. She said she would come. We walked across campus together. She was eerily sweet and talked about uplifting things, which I mirrored. I got her to a counselor that she was willing to talk to and told her if she needed anything I would be there in a heartbeat. Three hours later she knocked on the door of a class I was teaching. When I answered she grabbed me and hugged me. She thanked me for saving her. She was going to get the help she knew she needed at an inpatient clinic.
I was told I wasn't allowed to reach out to her since she left school but I think about her nearly every day.
Image credits: anon
A student, tween-aged, needed to go to court to give a character reference for her father. He was trying to adopt his deceased girlfriend's children after she died in a tragic accident. The student couldn't stand the kids her dad was adopting, but she knew it was the right thing. That was the first turned out to be true story.
Fast forward to online quarantine school and the same student tells me they no longer have any books because one of her adopted siblings hid them in a vindictive emotional state while at dad's house. I'm friends with the student's mom (dad's ex-wife) and I didn't believe it until the mom confirms this. I then told the student I would send digital images of anything they needed. Once the books were finally found 3 weeks later, I made a deal with them to leave them 100% of the time at their mom's and for them to ask me for digital versions whenever the student was at dad's house.
The kid has had a very hard life, but I already know they will be someone amazing as an adult!

Image credits: salty_sunshine
I was a student teacher and they placed me at one of those special schools for students that have learning disabilities, troubled homes, etc. I had one student who's dad was driving her to school and another teacher cut him off in the parking lot. He gets out of the car and goes ballistic on that teacher and then pulls out a knife to threaten them.
Poor student had to watch the cops arrest her dad in the school parking lot and then still attend class that day. I left her alone to do whatever the hell she wanted to that day.

Image credits: Lokican
When I was in grad school, I lived in the heart of tornado alley. I was doing a timed online final for one class and had just finished a huge paper for my other class. I’m typing away, stressed, and my phone rings. It’s my mom, telling me there’s nasty weather coming. I blow her off and get back to work. Suddenly, it gets dark and I hear tornado sirens. I grab my dog, my shoes, my keys, and drive like hell to get to a friend’s house - she had a shelter. We ride out about four hours of storms and I head home. My house had quite a bit of damage and all of my electronics were completely fried...including my computer.
The next day, I finally reach my professors. Both were shocked but were able to verify what happened and gave me extensions. Still, one laughed and said he’d never heard the excuse “The tornado ate my homework!”.
I taught a non-credit ESL class for adults. I had a very polite young man from an African country in my class who would sometimes be absent for 2-3 days in a row. It wasn’t a huge deal because our class only had one pretty basic exam at the end of the course. When I asked him why he had missed class (out of concern—sometimes I had students with major family problems or illnesses or whatever), he would just say vaguely, “I had to go out of town.”
One night I went to a game of my local pro indoor soccer team, and there was my student, announced as part of the starting lineup! He was “out of town” because of the away games.
Teaching 7th grade advanced Biology - smart kids in a pretty low income school. I am used to seeing d***s, bad behavior and contraband pretty regularly. So my first instinct is always that the student is doing something wrong.
I glanced around and see a puff of vapor is coming out of a students mouth. Immediately, I ask to have his vape pen and please go to the office. "It's not a vape Mr.!" I argue with the student, who vehemently believes he doesn't have a vape pen.
"Well I saw a vape cloud did I not?"
"yes sir." So he goes to the principals office and I call his mom after school to let her now what happened.
"Oh no Mr., its a misunderstanding. He can hold his breath and somehow create clouds with his mouth. I tell him not to do it, but its like his favorite party trick."
Why didn't that little s**t show that to me? That sounds f*****g awesome. I quit my long term sub position before I had that class again, and never did get to see it again....

Image credits: TurkeyNinja
Horse ate her homework. Corroborated by her living on a farm and her mom emailing to apologize as well ????.

Image credits: Ahtotheahtothenonono
That she has problem sending her project because the roof is too slippery for her.
Background: Online education, students need to submit a video project. Student only relies on mobile internet because only the rich affords affortable internet in the Philippines. So she climbs their house to get a good cellular signal. That time it was raining.
She sent a picture as evidence. Made me rethink how my students could submit academic requirements.
~10 years ago I had a student say he didn't do the homework because his car caught fire on his ride home, and his textbook was in the back seat. I was suspicious, but he quickly produced the badly charred textbook, which was also completely waterlogged from when the fire department put out the fire, and asked me if I could issue him a new one.
It's possible that he burned and soaked his textbook in an effort to getting out of doing the homework. If that was the case, bravo.

Image credits: meatfrappe
Him: "I just mailed my homework to Russia"
Me: You what?
Him: I wrote my old host family in Russia a letter, and I dropped it in the mailbox on the way here, and now that I'm here, I don't have my homework, but I DO have 3 pages in Russian.
A kid told me once he peed himself because he was scared of the toilet was going to drown him.
Turns out his brother had been holding his head underwater every time he had an accident.

Image credits: Teacher-Journal
A student (14) brought alcohol to school. He was the troublemaker type so everyone thought he was consuming alcohol at such a young age, while he was denying vehemently and said that his dad must have put it in his bag unknowingly. Unbelievable, I know. He was sent to the counsellor immediately while his mother was called. She was adamant that her son could never touch alcohol. The principal asked her to keep an eye on the student anyway as teenagers are unpredictable, the student got detention for a week and mandatory counselling session.
Turns out, his dad did put the alcohol in his bag but not unknowingly. His parents were in a process of getting a divorce and the student was living with his mother. That morning his dad picked him up to take him to school and hid a bottle in his bag. From what we've heard, his dad is an alcoholic and real a***ive and his mum was getting divorce on grounds of domestic violence. The dad was facing the possibility of jail time so he tried to build a case against the mum by showing that she is manipulative and controls people around her by getting them addicted to d***s and alcohol. Evidence was that she was turning their son into an alcoholic too.

Image credits: anon
Showed up late to a college final because his neighbor's apartment was on fire. He smelled like fire smoke so I gave him an extension on the time limit.

Image credits: kajigleta
I taught GED prep classes, and I had a student raise their hand and say, “I need to go. Someone is robbing my house.”
The next day I asked her about it and she told me it was her mom. On m**h.

Image credits: SecondHandSlows
Not a teacher. I was in first grade when *Donny* arrived 20 minutes late for school. Loud enough for the whole class to hear, Mrs. P. asked him why he was late. Donny responded, "the purple girl." The whole class, including Mrs. P. burst out laughing. Mrs. P. in a chuckle responded, "a purple girl???" Donny dead pan responded, "yes, she was laying on the ground and she was purple." Everyone laughed again, except Mrs. P. She gently took Donny's hand and they left the room.
Never did find out any details about "the purple girl", but Mrs. P. didn't return to class until after lunch and Donny was out for the next two days.
Student not teacher I had to tell my teachers the reason I wasn't in school was because my best friend was in hospital with the doctors saying she might die. Teacher said I was lying, my mum sent teacher a picture of me and my friend. My friend had an IV drip and like those breathing tubes in her nose, I was sitting next to her. Sure as hell believed me then
I was 8, my friend was 7 and she lived.
Not a teacher, but my mother had her car broken into.. the only thing they took was my school bag that had all my books in it.. I was told to go explain my story to the principal, he didn’t care. I looked completely crazy trying to explain my story to him when he honestly didn’t care at all. He didn’t care how it was stolen, why, or where.. all he cared about was how I was going to replace about $800 worth of books... I was 11.

Image credits: InterNut07
“I cant come to class (virtual learning) because my grandma keeps having arguments with the ghosts in the walls.” Its true. She actually screams at the walls regularly while he’s on Zoom for class with me.

Image credits: ilikegreencows
We had a girl at my High School . She missed a week of school because her brother murdered her whole family kept her alive . We had to act like everything was completely normal when she came back. I told her I'd keep her in my prayers even though I barely knew her at the time. She went to spend the weekend with her brother her sister and her Stepdad and her brother [unalived] the entire family.

Image credits: montorpedo227
I’m not a teacher but this happened at my apartment. In college, I had a huge exam on a Thursday and the few nights before, I made sure to study like crazy. The day before an exam, I typically go over EVERYTHING and do my notes, work on the study guide, etc. and it stays ingrained in my brain and I do really well the next day on the exam.
The morning of my exam, at 5am, I’m woken up to the frikking SWAT team throwing flash grenades into my patio area, my sliding door is shattered, other members of SWAT are using a battering ram against the gate we all use to enter the complex. I thought I was going to die. I get to the ground, crawl to my bathtub and hide in there crying and shaking.
I left my phone and couldn’t call anyone. I crawled out to see what was going on in my living room and the moment I stand up, I look down and see 14 red dots on my body and 14 rifles pointed at me. I’ve shot guns but NEVER had any pointed at me. I was surprised I didn’t pee myself.
Turns out they actually wanted my neighbor and terrorized me FOR NOTHING. I literally forgot everything I had studied. I told my teacher what happened. She told me to do my best and I fosho failed that exam so hard.
She was kind enough to let me retake the exam.
Teacher here, but these are two things that happened to my colleague. My stories aren’t that interesting.
Student #1 said he couldn’t do some sort of physical activity because he just had open heart surgery. Teacher didn’t believe him but went along with it, asking questions to get more info. The kid lifted his shirt to show off an angry red wound where they had cut open his chest, still in the process of healing.
Student #2 couldn’t get up and go to the nurse because she was having a miscarriage. She wasn’t visibly pregnant or anything, it was the first day of school so the teacher had no idea if she was legit or just a drama queen. Turns out she was having a miscarriage and proceeded to miscarry right there on the chair. Nurse came and got her, she definitely made an impression that day.

Image credits: danjouswoodenhand
A guy I knew in high school missed class because he had to help a cow give birth. Lived in a farm.
Not a teacher but dealt with some crazy stuff growing up (some of which I've posted).
1) Science book was destroyed courtesy of a church book burning. Still can't watch Fahrenheit 451 to this day (major anxiety attack). School knew it had happened and I was given a replacement no questions asked.
2) Mugged, badly. Just got out of hospital. Was accused of making it up and ordered to take my sunglasses off, that covered two black eyes and major bruising. I was then ordered to put them back on. I blew off PE because I didn't want to tear the stiches from my knife wounds.
2) Escorted out of house by CPS. No clothes, books, etc. Was the Sunday before school, and was my 17th birthday. Kind of hard to do homework in that situation. I'd say it was half/half. Some teachers understood and let me work in class, even gave me loaner books. Some didn't care. Main reason my grades tanked from A's to D's overnight.
They told me they couldn't study for a test because some rapper had broken into their house the night before and robbed them and they were too traumatized to study. I did not believe them but then the rapper got arrested for burglary and the local newspaper ran a story on it and it was actually a true story.
I unfortunately cannot remember the name of the rapper he was not nationally famous but well known in our part of Baltimore.

Image credits: DiabolicalPopkov
All various excuses heard secondhand so not a teacher: escaped horses blocking the driveway, tractor broke down in the middle of the road, train crossing break down (the rails never came up), pigs giving birth (ag kid), creek flooding (minor but roads were blocked) and horse manure truck flipped over (the guy reeked so cue proof).
Its a small town.
6th grade, I told a teacher my homework wasn't done because my friend died. She flamed me in front of the class, and sent me to ISS. Word of the murder got around school, and the local news networks. She never said sorry, but it was excused off my grade.
Student claimed book caught on fire. I just said, Sure it did. Next day he showed up with a copy of an insurance claim. Turns out he left his book by a space heater, the kind with heating elements, setting said book on fire as well as his homework. The pics of his rug, scorched, sealed the deal.

Image credits: Necron099
The student for this one. We had an essay assigned on Wednesday, first draft due Monday. Planned to do it during the weekend. I caught the teacher walking into the classroom right before class Monday.
"I am really sorry, I know I shouldn't have waited to do it last minute, but I planned to do it during this weekend. My mom and I went to visit a college on Saturday and I planned to do it when we got home. I know I shouldn't have waited to do it so last minute and please do not take this as an excuse, I am not really telling any other teachers because I don't want anyone to think I am just using this as an excuse, I am just trying to get through finals next week. I am so sorry but we got a call when we got home that my dad died on Saturday-"
"Wait what!"
I got an extension, but just handed it in by Wednesday.
My wife had a student that left her class about 15 minutes into class every day. After about a week of this she asked him what's up. He looked her dead in the eye and said if he eats breakfast in the morning he will need to c**p at that time everyday. She asked the hall monitor to check up on him and sure enough, he went to the bathroom everyday like clockwork.

Image credits: Thechaser45
Not a teacher but I heard it from one. A student wasn't in school for around two weeks. The reason for it was they fractured their skull because they were leaning too far back on a chair and slammed their head on a table behind.

Image credits: anon
I was the student. Crashed my car on the way to an exam; was able to take an identical exam with a different class at another time slot after filing the accident report.
Years later, I was able to get an extension on a project because I wound up in the emergency room over a kidney stone
The professors in both classes took my word at face value when I explained through text and email.
Not a teacher, but a cousin of mine wasn’t the best student, and frequently didn’t have his homework done. One day the teacher demands to know why, and he tells her his mother had a heart attack the night before and was rushed to hospital. He gets chewed out for lying about such a terrible thing and got detention. Turns out my aunt really did have a heart attack...

Image credits: ohnomyanus
We were visiting friends and put my young son down for his nap in the room of a teenager. My son woke up and had to go to the bathroom. There was no toilet paper on the roll so he used a detention note that the teenager had gotten and was supposed to get signed by his parents. The teenager had to go in the next day and explain what happened to his detention note.
I knew a kid once that had his whole (trailer) home get sucked into a sinkhole. All his school work (and everything he owned) was gone forever.
Edit: apologies I’m not a teacher. It was a coworker when I was young.
A snowstorm had just started, and was WAY worse than predicted. One student doesn't show up, and 10 minutes later she calls me "Look out the window, and you should be able to see the highway... that car in the ditch? That's me!" (She waves). "I slid off the road, and I've called for a tow, but they've just announced a towban until the storm is over, and I TRIED to get to the school, but the snow bank is too deep" (not the first snowstorm of the year!).
We ended up cancelling class early so people could have a chance to get home before the roads got any worse, anyways.
Not a teacher, but someone in one of my classes my junior year got to retake his exam because him and his dad got stranded when the dad was giving his son a helicopter flying lesson and they had to emergency land or something. The student was prone to skipping classes so they didn't believe him until he called up his dad in the office, it was talked about by our school for a couple days.

Image credits: whyImcalledqueen
Not a teacher but the dog really did eat my homework. I brought the shreds that were left.
Not a teacher but one kid was late for class because he had a “run in” with the F.B.I. Turns out his father was wanted and was found that morning so he had to walk to school because he could not drive. Teacher still marked him tardy.
Once had a student, probably around 12 year old, who had an exercise to hand in. Went something like this:
Student: I did my exercise but my sister took it and ripped it up.
Me: So you haven't got it?
S: No, I did it again but this time she threw it in the fire.
Me: So you haven't got it?
S: I have, I just wanted to explain why it was burnt around the edges!
TLDR: I told my professor someone got shot at a Home Depot so I might be late turning in my assignment. He didn’t believe me.
I was the student. I was taking college classes at night and was at my internship during the day. Sometime in the afternoon some guy shot a police officer? security guard? at the Home Depot that was smack dab between my campus and my office. The shooter then fled and there was a manhunt for him. A few offices and shopping centers went on lockdown but not mine.
It just so happened that that day we had an assignment due that had to be turned in with a print out before class started. If it wasn’t printed out then it was half points off, if it wasn’t in the stack right when the professor started class it was half points off. I emailed my professor and told him “there’s a shooter loose between me and campus, I might be late bc they’re closing some roads down so here’s an emailed copy of my assignment.” He tells me “I looked on Google maps and traffic seems normal I expect to see you in class on time.”
Ok I wasn’t gonna argue with my professor over email so I go to my HR lady and tell her “hey I know I normally leave an hour before class is it ok if I leave an hour and a half before so I can make it on time?” She says yes, all my little coworker friends are like I can’t believe you’re driving right through it and I’m like yeah and normally I pick up dinner before class but today I guess I’ll go without it.
With all the barricades and rerouted traffic I make it to class right on time and turn in my assignment, have a normal class but I’m a little hungry.
The NEXT TIME I go to class I sit down and my professor spots me and immediately zooms over and goes “when I got home after class my wife was watching the news and I saw the manhunt and helicopters and I’m sorry of course you wouldn’t have gotten any points off for emailing your assignment or being late”
Edit: I found the article!
"A crocodile ate my homework" i live in darwin australia and some of the students went to a lake after school one of their bags were taken.
In middle school my locker mate got cancer and when they cleaned out his stuff from our locker they took my library book.
So Mrs.cook I didnt lose my library book the cancer kid stole.
Was absent due to being stranded on an island during CA wildfires - all means of transport back to the mainland were being used for more pressing matters. Eventually he (and the group he was with) was evacuated by a police plane (he was camping; group was rationing out their food).
I was actually the one giving my guitar teacher the excuse: “My cat vomited on my homework!”
He had given me drill sheets and I had left them on top of my guitar case while I went to have a shower. My poor old cat, who had major GI issues, had a puking episode on said guitar case and the pages were ruined. So I called my teacher and told him I would need fresh copies at my next lesson and wouldn’t be as well practiced as I had planned. My guitar teacher absolutely died laughing.
I had a student tell me her parents kept the bodies of 6 dead hamsters in her freezer. I called her mom and she admitted to it - apparently they were waiting until the ground thawed to bury them.
Not a teacher, but the student. Studied musical theater in college and woke up one morning with intense pain on right side. Hobbled the half mile from dorm to my tap class. Started to feel really really bad and said I needed to go the medical center. Tap teacher said I can go once I teach a combo I choreographed to the class for a test grade-keep in mind this is a college course from a private college I’M paying money to attend- Medical center said my appendix was likely inflamed and was rushed to ER.
Also had a chorale concert that day where the course rule is if you don’t sing you fail. All of my classmates literally had to convince the music director that I wasn’t lying and was literally waiting in the hospital for surgery.
When I was collecting homework, one of my 2nd graders pointed to his forehead and told me, “I don’t have it because I got bruised.” It looked like a normal f*****g forehead. And I also don’t understand the connection between those 2 things. So I just chalked it up to a weak excuse and moved on.
A week later that student’s dad came in for a parent teacher conference. During our conversation the dad says “Well he told you how he quit breathing and we called 911 the other day, right? It really freaked us out.” And I go “no....” the dad proceeds to tell me that he took his son’s video games away as a punishment, and in a fit of rage, the child dove headfirst into a wall and KNOCKED HIMSELF UNCONSCIOUS.
A little more than a “bruise”.
I could not quit laughing. Im picturing a 7 year old shrieking like a banshee, barreling across the floor, and taking flight with his hands at his side, convinced he’s gonna take the house down with him. It was bringing tears to my eyes. And how horribly the kid downplayed what had happened was just outrageous. Thankfully the dad had a good sense of humor and laughed with me too.
Had to tell two teachers (was a joint essay for AP Literature & American History classes) that the crazed ex-girlfriend of my mom's boyfriend set fire to our house. Didn't burn all the way down (she threw an incendiary through the window which landed on a waterbed, the fire put itself out once it had burned through the blankets), but heat and smoke damage pretty much destroyed everything on the inside.
The next morning I walk up to the lit teacher and say "I don't have my homework, but I've got a _really_ good excuse". She was notorious for not accepting excuses, but was very good-natured otherwise, so she laughed and asked to hear it. No problem, got a pass on that one.
Obligatory not a teacher but I have a good one. I once emailed a professor that I needed an extension on a midterm because my house burned down.
"Sorry I'm late, I was stuck in the WC because the handle broke".
Was a student, but I remember there was a girl in my JROTC program in HS. On uniform day she only came with her pants and shoes and the Major was absolutely pissed because that's like not even half her uniform.
Turns out she had been shot in the shoulder, her wound wasn't too bad but she had a hole in her jacket and shirt and there was blood. Major couldn't believe his own eyes but she was given a new shirt and jacket and her marks that day were excused.
Evidently she lived in a not-great part of our city that already has gun violence issues.
Not a teacher, but one time a student showed up with very red eyes. Everyone thought he was high on weed, but he had allergies. The teacher informed us he gets allergies around certain time of the year.
I’m a 6th grade FACS teacher teaching distance learning. I had a student and parent email me that their dog ate their sewing project (it was a stuffed felt monster). Never would I have thought I’d get a “my dog ate my homework” excuse but it happened!
Their whole family back home had Covid. :( Like, all of them.
My girlfriend's sister asked to have her final moved so she could be there at girlfriend's graduation. They're twins and went to schools at opposite ends of the country.
To this day neither of them can believe "Can I take my final on a different day? I'm going to California to be there for my twin sister's graduation" actually worked.
I had a student tell me that he was arrested for shoplifting. He missed his assignment deadline. He even showed me the paperwork from the BPD. I gave him a generous extension of two weeks, since his life was in disarray and I could tell that he was already sorry for his actions.
Parent here and a multi-user account
My son didn't go to school for the death of my brother, who in the town was honored and remembered as a hero.
I once walked up to a teacher after being late, handed her my note, and told her that my buddy got hit by a car.
He was fine, literally no injuries beyond a little bruising.
Not a teacher, but one of my classmates during my high school years heard they noticed something going on at the parking lot. They were asking who was the owner of the car that was being looked at. We sat next to the windows, which had a near view of the parking lot. I took a peak for a moment. If it was a fire truck, that was going to be a drill time. I often had issues with that certain loud noises likely due to the pitch to the point, I ended up getting an order to have either a pair of earplugs or headphones on standby. Yet, there was no sign of the truck, apart from a few pick-up trucks that belong to folks in the school. Finally, they alerted the teacher, so was in the middle of explaining an upcoming exam. Just as the teacher was about to tell the classmate to pipe down, a blast of nosie got into the air. The teacher looked at yelled at the two men to beat it, or the cops were going to get called. The two would-be thieves fleed the area, while the teacher disabled and reenabled the car alarm with a remote.
The teacher went back to work as if nothing happened.
I later learned someone had broken a hood ornament from a random car and the two idiots were trying to have a replacement.
I had a student email me asking for an extension on homework because they had a medical issue as a result of a recent medical procedure. I was sent photos of A LOT of blood all over the shower and bathroom as evidence .
"I accidentally dropped it in an aquarium".
This isn't that crazy and I'm not a teacher but it's still a good excuse and it was today.
I went on a run before my last online lesson today, got carried away and ended up running over half a marathon and missing my lesson. I love running but I've never done that before phaha.
One of my students called me and he said, hey teacher im gonna be late because there are too much traffic, so i said him
traffic, are you kidding me? our class is on teams
what the hell are you saying me?
so my student told me, yeah sr, a lot of network traffic because my sister is watching Netflix with her boyfriend.
Ok, Im not a teacher, but everyone thought I was making sh*t up.
In sixth grade I woke up with a pain in my knee, but it was normal at the time for me to wake up with a little pain as I often slept weird. My bed was one of those that had a desk underneath it and I loved jumping down from my bed.
So my mom came to wake me up and I got up and jumped down ignoring the pain in my knee. Well, when I hit the floor I fell down, but that I also saw as normal, until I tried to get up and I couldn't stand on my right leg. Me and my mom wrote to my teacher and I stayed home that day since I couldn't stay up. When I went to school the next day a bunch of kids told me I was "making stuff up" and to "stop trying to get out of class". It hurt, but that wasn't the end. A few weeks later I woke up in pain again, but this time I realized with wasn't one of those normal pains. My left ear and eye hurt and I couldn't hear or see very well. So me and my mom wrote to my teacher again and the same kids thought I was making things up. ????????.