55 Relatable Parenting Memes To Remind You That You’re Not Alone Raising The New Generation

I think it’s as good a time as any to thank all the parents for not only raising the future of this lovely planet, but also providing ample entertainment in the form of memes for everyone –not just parents, but usually especially for them—to enjoy.
With that said, we bring you yet another venue that deals in parenting memes, and that is the Facebook page that’s appropriately called Parenting Memes. Scroll down to see the best of the best memes to foster your appreciation for the art of parenting.
Image credits: parentinglol

Image credits: ksujulie

Image credits: parentinglol
So, there’s a page on Facebook called Parenting Memes, which, as you might have guessed already, is all about parenting and memes. The description says that raising children is a journey—one that we all can laugh about.
That is very true considering that even child-free folks tend to get a good chuckle at parenting memes, but also among the 11,000 followers the page has, there has to be at least a good handful of folks who are not really parents.

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Image credits: parentinglol

Image credits: TheCatWhisprer
Parenting isn’t something that you can define in clear-cut terms. It’s an experience, a journey of sorts that’s personal to every parent. As such, there is no good or bad way to parent kids as there are just too many variables. However, there are some common factors and aspects to consider that would increase your chances of being more good at it.

Image credits: parentinglol

Image credits: joeheenan

Image credits: parentinglol
First up, work on creating a happy home.
There are many ways to go about it, but some suggest defining it in terms of love, emotional security, conversation, validation, responsibilities, time outside, and opportunities to play and learn. And if it’s provided with a sufficient degree of freedom, without bothersome parental micromanaging, it can get even better.

Image credits: parentinglol

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Image credits: parentinglol
Things like small banter, spending time doing stuff together, and showing support help kids develop emotional security and empathy, all the while allowing you to bond, which only elevates the experience.

Image credits: HenpeckedHal

Image credits: parentinglol

Image credits: parentinglol
And, yeah, that’s more or less it. No parent is perfect, but it doesn’t take much to provide heaps of positivity and goodness to them. Listen, tell them you understand, tell them you love them, show them stuff, foster creativity through boredom and guidance, all that jazz—it doesn’t take much to give them that.

Image credits: parentinglol

Image credits: parentinglol

Image credits: parentinglol
On top of that, avoid pitfalls. The biggest ones to avoid are overscheduling kids’ activities, micromanaging them, refusing to recognize their struggles, as well as modeling unhealthy responses to things like stress, boundary violations and critique.

Image credits: parentinglol

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Image credits: BaileyWestern
Now, sure, some degree of control has to be present, but, remember, a certain level of liberty will not only allow a kid to prosper, but you as a parent can learn from it too—by forming a connection, and guiding them to discover their interests.

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Image credits: parentinglol
It goes without saying that emotional support is key in any relationships—actually even outside parent-child dynamics.
Again, listen and let them know you relate. Once that’s in order, teach them ways and means to cope with life’s struggles. And it’s OK to do it together.

Image credits: parentinglol

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Image credits: parentinglol
Just as a heads up, no, parents shouldn’t take over solving the problems that the kids are facing as it doesn’t really teach them to cope and solve things themselves.
This includes helping them calm down, and learning to do so on the regular, by, say, encouraging them to take deep breaths, humming and the like, or identifying their worries and finding humor in it.

Image credits: parentinglol

Image credits: parentinglol

Image credits: parentinglol
So, what are your thoughts on any of this? What are some of your hilarious parenting moments (whether as parents or as kids)? Share them in the comment section below!
And if you need more parenting memes, then look no further. Only click further. Heh, dad humor.

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Image credits: parentinglol

Image credits: parentinglol

Image credits: parentinglol

Image credits: parentinglol

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Image credits: parentinglol