50 Common Red Flags That People Ignore When Dating

Maybe it's their tendency to abuse substances or rude behavior towards waiters, but red flags in a relationship are indicators that something needs to be questioned. However, our mind sometimes talks itself into disregarding what our intuition is picking up on.
So when Reddit user Loxomednurmusci asked everyone on the platform to share the biggest dating warning signs that many ignore way too often, people were quick to reply. Most adults are still skeptical of whether algorithms can predict love, so we can't neglect our social skills.
If the other person doesn’t exhibit some level of curiosity about you. When there’s chemistry, you want to know more about the other person because you find them interesting. If you find yourself carrying the conversation, trying to learn about the other person but they show no interest in learning about you, then it’s a sure sign that there’s no compatibility. Don’t take it personally—no one can be everyone’s cup of tea and it’s better to know that from the beginning.Image credits: Ordinary-Grade-5427
Love is blind. So blind, that people are often willing to overlook small differences in values and/or needs because it might not matter much in the beginning of a relationship and see it as a "necessary compromise and love will conquer all", but oftentimes those little differences will become huge problems later in the relationship (most often when children becomes part of the equation).
Image credits: U2Ursula
He hadn't actually told his ex they were broken up, just that they needed to "take a break." I should have taken a break too at that point.
Image credits: natebradyy
When people ignore the fact the other person dont put in effort.It always buffles me how many people jumping through hoops while getting nothing in return...

Image credits: Ben-iND
Love bombing! Learn to identify it and then DON’T ignore it. It’s not love - it’s a con.
Image credits: lil-ms-lila
When they are rude to everyone but you, big red flag
Image credits: BananaBurgers98
Emotional unavailability.
Image credits: Distinct-Solution-99
If it bothers you now, it will surely bother you later, only way worse. Lol.
Image credits: Mysterious_Finger774
If you are not on the same page with money, this leads to a lot of problems should the relationship get serious
Image credits: crazycatlady111
Being TOO close to their mom.
Image credits: peynbaebae
“My ex just left one day out of the blue. I came home and her stuff was gone”.Ladies if you hear this, run.
Abusers know they can’t say my ex was crazy nowadays. This is the new version of it. The woman likely had to flee for safety. Her family members likely had to protect her after fleeing. There’s a reason he couldn’t find her after she left.

Image credits: PMyourcatsplease
When they can't attribute their own fault or shortcoming to a single problem they face in life. Today, it's their parents or boss. Tomorrow it will be you.
Image credits: HarrysonTubman
Mistaking outer beauty for inner beauty..
Image credits: _InnocentToto_
When they s**t talk every ex.
Image credits: 0Helpful-Candy0
If he has a burner phone, run
Image credits: ronburgundywithballs
They unsettle you. There's a nagging instinct urging you to keep your distance, even though they appear fine on the surface. An internal conflict arises. Don't dismiss this feeling as a flaw in your character or a result of past traumas. If your intuition is screaming at you to flee, heed its warning no matter how 'alright' the other person may seem. Ignoring it will only amplify the persistent unease, making it increasingly challenging to leave the person.
Image credits: No-Soup5977
A red flag that people often overlook when dating is inconsistency in communication or behavior. For example, if someone is extremely attentive and communicative one day, but then disappears or becomes distant the next without explanation, it could indicate underlying issues or mixed intentions.
Image credits: cafemoto900
Find out your date has his own photos as phone background.. Just run!
Image credits: Bogadambo
Possessiveness.To some degree, your partner being possessive is cute because it makes you feel desired but what many people fail to realize is sometimes it gets too toxic to the level of doubt and that's never good cuz trust is important in a relationship.

Image credits: Key_Worldliness1614
I lost count on how many times I saw the boyfriend literally owning his girlfriend’s phone.
Image credits: pushin_on_my_buttons
When they are rude to everyone but you??.
Image credits: BananaBurger98
Little care when in the wrong, never showing any accountability for basically anything.
Image credits: ConsciousPriority834
Constantly asking your partner if they find random people in public or on TV attractive. In my experience, when they’re asking this, there is no right answer.Every once in a while is one thing, but if you find yourself walking around looking at your feet all the time, there might be an issue.

Image credits: Cheese_Pancakes
When she says she likes to have a beer after work but it’s actually 11 beers, when Ive been sober for 4 years it’s just awkward.
Image credits: FUICYU
Lack of vulnerability and self-awareness.
Image credits: OkEnthusiasm8573
Financial incompatibility.If you are not on the same page with money, this leads to a lot of problems should the relationship get serious.

Image credits: crazycatlady331
Messy house / room. Doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it really tells you what kind of partner they will be in terms of housework and chores.#28
1. Lack of interest of your inner world and often just interested in your looks.2. Hasn’t done any personal work, their issues seem to always be other peoples fault
3. Aren’t sure what they want, they just want to go with the flow…
5. Much Older men seemingly charming, they are not. They prey on younger women. Run.

Image credits: liri_miri
Their relationship history. Specifically cheating.
Image credits: AlternativePrior9559
Constantly cancelling because their entire life is so busy. Like, on Saturday evenings?
Image credits: redditslim
If they even hint of a third party that is interested in them, don't get caught up in that love triangle shenanigans.
Image credits: Dayzlikethis
Gaslighting. It’s crazy how long I let It go before I even realized, and even still It took years of reflection to fully recognize how bad It was..#33
When she doesn’t believe in financial equality, meaning that both parties should bear the cost of finding true love, not just the man.#34
If his friends are racist, sexist, homophobic, etc, but he claims he's not like them.... He is exactly like them, he just learned to hide it better.#35
Cruelty to animals.#36
The family dynamic. You may say you are marrying the person not the family but it's a package deal. Their mess becomes your mess.#37
Insults masked as joking“Oh that’s just his sense of humor..” No. He’s just disguising his honesty with jokes.

Image credits: Varietygamer_928
Constantly complaining about the people around them. Their family, friends, ex’s, customer service workers, etc.You’ll be on that list too. This person is a perpetuate self identified victim and is 100% going to use it for manipulation and abuse.
Just to clarify, some people will complain for real reasons and even though being negative all the time sucks, I’m saying watch out for the extreme cases. It’s all they focus on, it’s almost everyone they come in contact with, and they just don’t understand why or how they deserve it.
Little white lies should be one of the higher ones in this list. You see them lie to other people or family without a second thought, even about stupid stuff. Trust me, it only gets bigger and worse as time goes on.#40
Moving too fast. No it’s not normal to feel like you met your soulmate in 3 weeks. They’re not in love with you. They’re in limerence. Which isn’t long lasting.Also the odds are good that this person who is rushing head long into a relationship has a few screws loose.
Person already being in a relationshipLike, you think this person that’s cheating on their partner will suddenly turn into a person that you can trust is some funny s**t.

Image credits: Holiday-Date7201
Someone who is constantly changing jobs. I don't mean they work for 6 months for one place, get a better position at another company for 1.5 years, then go to a different company. That's normal career growth.If someone is quitting jobs every few months, even if they immediately get a new job they are not stable.

Image credits: midwestarchetype
Weird controlling behavior coupled with a savior complex.Dudes who get with a girl and are like, "she had no idea about (insert something) until I showed her how to do it properly. Hehe she's so cute.".

Image credits: Key-Control7348
When they say " just seeing what's out there".
Image credits: loxomednurmusci
She mentions she has a kid a few hours before the date.#46
Talking about their ex constantly,Not wanting to ever go out.
My ex never wanted to go out
and a girl I was FWB with talked about her ex constantly. realized too late that she wasn't over him while I caught feelings.
Not being polite to service workers.#48
When only its a one sided conversation and the answers are too short from the person.#49
"All of my exes are b****** or aholes." What's the common denominator here? *you*.#50
When the partner treats others like garbage or has a over the top attitude over the dumbest things.Recent
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