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41 Wedding Stories When There Was An Objection From The Guests

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We’ve all seen it in movies—the dramatic pause, the tension in the air, and then someone boldly interrupts with "I object!" But what if we told you that some people have actually witnessed this in real life? Today, we’ve rounded up the most unbelievable wedding objections that actually happened, and trust us, they’re just as wild as you’d imagine.

From exes crashing the ceremony to family members dropping last-minute bombshells, these guests have seen it all. Some moments were awkward, some were heartbreaking, and some were pure chaos. Keep reading to dive into the juiciest wedding objections ever shared!


Incredibly anti-climatic, an ex-boyfriend stood up and said he was still in love with the bride so the wedding couldn't go ahead. Officant said that wasn't a valid reason, he sat back down.

Image credits: maeveomaeve


The groom's Dad stood up and loudly said, "It's not too late, son!" right as the bride was coming down the aisle. She sobbed the whole way down and the show went on. They're divorced now.


Image credits: ijustwanttogotojacuz


My friends best man yelled 'This is a mistake!'. They are no longer friends, but he was 100% correct. She's awful.


Image credits: Cheap_Rain_4130


I was at a wedding held next to a lake. Just at that moment, a speed boat zoomed past towing a skier. He yelled out “ Don’t do it”!!!!


Image credits: Tigeraqua8


My grandmother did when my loser uncle(her son) got married the 4th time. She told the woman she could do better.


Image credits: Zloiche1


My sister had her wedding in our backyard. When asked if there are objections, the family dog got up, walked to the minister, barked once, turned back and sat down.


Image credits: Professional-Chef-40


Went to a wedding by the shore, and when the officiant asked this question, a seagull who had come to watch gave a really loud squak.


Image credits: AngledLuffa


A wedding I was at, one guy got up and pledged his undying love for the bride, followed by four or five others objecting for various reasons including one guy's love for the groom. By the second or third objection, though, it was clear that the whole thing was a clever ruse. I found out later that it was all set up by the bride as a prank on the unsuspecting groom and family and friends. It was pretty hilarious!


Image credits: stevo_james


Guy stood up and said he had f****d the bride a few months prior. Then another guy got up and said the same. It was some 'I'm Spartacus' s**t going on as another and another stood up.

Turns out she'd been making the rounds through this guy's family. None of them were going to say anything but one guy c*****d and it was enough for the guilt to overflow on the rest. Including the best man who was bright f*****g red in the face when he stammered out that he had, too, not but a two weeks prior.

Open bar though, so that was nice.


Image credits: ERedfieldh


Not exactly.

40+ years ago, at a cousin's wedding, when the vows were being said, "til death do you part" a loud "HAH!" came from the back, from the bride's sister's husband.

The bride and groom were divorced about 6 months later.

The brother in law was also an a*s, but it took the sister longer to decide to divorce him.


Image credits: xubax


I used to be a wedding photographer. The Groom Objected, told everyone gathered that the Bride had been f*****g his best friend for quite some time, he just wanted to gather them all together to tell them about it. He then proceeded to punch on with the Best Man outside the church.

I didn't get paid beyond the deposit they provided but it was a memorable job, up there with the TV News anchorman with bongs on every table.


Image credits: anon


I saw this once. The pastor is asking this and people are looking around 2/3s of the way back is a very pregnant young lady standing up. People start to turn to look at her. She say "I'm sorry, I have to pee" That was as a close one.


Image credits: ligmasweatyballs74


I was shooting a wedding video, the preacher gets to that part and just as he says "Or forever hold your peace" there was a HUGE peal of thunder.

Lighting had hit a TV tower on the other side of the valley. I'd seen the strike and had just enough time to think "thats gonna be loud" and cover my ears.

After the thunder died away there was a long pause and the preacher said "Well thats never happened before." It was awesome.

AFAIK they're still married...


Image credits: curtludwig


I wasn't there personally, a good friend was. Guy waited until the very end, almost before the officiant called "I pronounce you..." because there wasn't actually a part where they said "If anyone objects". So the guy marrying them is about to pronounce them husband and wife and some dude stands up from the back and shouts "I object! You can't marry him Sheila!" (Fake name.)

The officiant looked around, looked at the bride, and she just looked at the officiant and said, "You were saying?". And the wedding went on. The officiant said the last words, they kissed and the guy starts yelling, "How could you do this to me!? We should be together!" The bride whispered to the groom, the groom whispered to the groomsmen, and the groomsmen all headed down the aisle together. They didn't make it three feet before the yelling guy got out of his pew and ran out of the church. They followed him for good measure, but I guess he really left.

At the reception the Bride's mom went around explaining that the guy had been a family friend who the parents used to joke that him and the bride would get married, but stopped about the time the kids started school because it made the daughter mad. The guy never got the memo that it was a joke and basically considered her his betrothed. Nothing anyone could say to him would convince him that she was **not** going to marry him. He'd never done anything illegal so she couldn't get a restraining order or anything. He was just obsessed. They didn't know how he found out about the wedding because they had kept the details away from him, even his parents (who were still great family friends) didn't know the time and place and weren't going to be there because they didn't want to chance him ruining it. They had security, but only for the reception. They didn't think they'd need it for the church but they were wrong.

And when I asked what the bride whispered to the groom and what the groom whispered to the groomsmen: "That's him.".


Image credits: _Internet_Hugs_


Um, well, it wasn't technically an objection I think.

It was my uncle and his fiance. For context, he is a woman a****r. He is a violent, alcoholic/d**g addicted man child. He is a felon who has spent a lot of time in jail for domestic violence. He can barely keep a job because he is lazy. He had already been violent with his fiance.

It was a very tiny wedding, like maybe 15 people in attendance or something. The mom of the bride is hysterically sobbing in her seat. As soon as they say "I do", she throws herself back and starts motioning a stabbing motion to her heart and someone has to pick her up and take her away.

It was a whole lot.


Image credits: invisible-bug


Ex-girlfriend of the groom was also the bride’s cousin and not happy. Wore a borderline scandalous red dress to the wedding. You could see her waiting for the moment but the bridal party had already paid off the minister to skip “if anyone here has any objections”.
When the minister said “you may now kiss the bride” and she realized she wasn’t getting a chance she stormed out, down the middle aisle stomping her heels. But the organist was playing, people were clapping for the couple, and she never got her moment.


Image credits: Saint_Lazy


My father was a pastor. It happened once during a wedding he was performing.

A woman stood up and said that the groom could not get married because he was already married and she was his wife.

Dad cancelled the wedding


Image credits: anon


Around 20 years ago, my son and I met a guy who had fallen hard for a girl at his temp job. He got pretty down because she was practically engaged. Day of the wedding comes, and he bursts into the church screaming he objects. Long story short, his best friend's girlfriend (a real dragon of a lady) ate the groom. Later, he and the girl got married.


Image credits: 4gtxy04


It wasn't exactly on that moment where a dude got up and walked over to the bride. And when I say walk, it was more like a duck waddle. He looked her straight in the eye and proclaimed,'I pooped my pants'.

Could be awful, but he was the happy couples toddler son. They took a short break while one of his grandfathers changed him. It was a good laugh.


Image credits: joseph_the_great1


My dad objected to his aunts wedding with my big bird puppet. I was 8 and it’s a strong memory of mine realising my dad was a drunk and a d******d.


Image credits: Princessdelrey


My grandmother told me of a wedding ceremony she was at where this happened (north of Ireland, Catholic Church, 1970s).

The priest asked if anyone "knew of any lawful impediment to the marriage", and a beautifully dressed woman in her 30s stood up and said she had something to say. The priest invited her and the wedding couple into the sacristy to discuss her objection, and half an hour later he came back with just the couple, and the ceremony continued without any explanation or comment.

The other woman left via the sacristy door, and my gran never ever heard a single word about what had happened during those 30 mins!


Image credits: DentistForMonsters


I went to an "Outrageous Wedding" at a nightclub where all the guests had to dress in something outrageous as well. It was a pretty wild night. Just when the bride... G***y... was about to say "I do" this guy bursts into the place, pushes through the crowd surrounding the bride and groom, throws her over his shoulder and RUNS off down the street with her -- pink harem outfit flying!! We never saw them again. The poor groom was in shock. Turned out to be her ex and she actually ended up marrying him eventually! Lol Meanwhile, the rest of us partied hard and consoled the groom with copious amounts of champagne and dancing. Best wedding ever!!!


Image credits: AnonymousAutonomous9


Yeah...I had this happen at my own wedding. A woman I'd not had anything to do with in any romantic sense yelled out "I object. He should be marrying me not her". This was followed by some hilarious shenanigans my ex-wife dined out on for a very long time.


Image credits: swami78


Yep. Happened to me.
Was at the altar when a girl who I thought only ever saw me as a friend stood up and shouted that I was making a mistake and that she was in love with me and had been for ever.

Obviously everyone was shocked.

I took her outside and she poured her heart out to me and made me realise that I was marrying the wrong girl.

Went back inside and called off the wedding and 6 months later got married to the right girl , started a business together and we have 3 amazing kids, insane s*x life, money in the bank, 2 holiday homes 5 luxury cars, happiness and a private jet.

That’s the fairy tale version. The real story was that no one objected and I left my wife 5 years later after she bankrupted us. No kids, no houses, no cars, no money and no s*x life.

F**k all of you for not objecting.


Image credits: pgds


My sister has diagnosed borderline personality disorder amongst other things. She’s been engaged 4 times but never married. At her last engagement party my mother turns up drunk (shes a very sloppy drunk). The grooms mother makes a speech about how she hopes they have a beautiful life together, when my mum yells “it doesn’t matter anyway, she won’t go through with it, she never does!”

To be fair… they recently broke up so… she wasn’t wrong.


Image credits: nothingcreative99258


Kind of, but during the reception. When my friend got married she intentionally didn’t ask her dad to make a speech, knowing he didn’t approve of the groom, and during the reception he got rip roaring drunk and snatched the microphone out of the DJ’s hands and made one anyway. He went on for a good few minutes about how the groom was trash and his daughter could do much better before several of her cousins managed to wrestle the microphone away from him and get him into a car to take him back to the hotel. It was super cringy.


Image credits: Thatswilde9


I wasn’t there but heard the story. The daughter of old family friends was getting married. Her father was a real jokester. When the officiant asked if anyone objects, the father said “I do(pause) I’ve always wanted to do that” everyone laughed and the wedding continued.
I’m told the bride and groom were not angry and also laughed.


Image credits: chavahere


Not the wedding, but rehearsal dinner. Mother of groom was fairly drunk and her toast ended with "she's a d**n dirty w***e who doesn't deserve my baby". She was not invited to the wedding after that.


Image credits: nebelhund


So kinda, but not really.

I was maid of honor at my best friend’s wedding, and her dad had some mental health issues along with a tendency to be annoying.

I knew that when the groom had asked her dad for permission to marry her, he had technically said no. So we were all on pins and needles a bit.

The time came for the “does anyone object” question, and the dad steps up to speak, and I watch my friend’s face go completely ashen and I’m ready to throw up or throw hands or something.

And the dad says, “growing up, [bride’s name] always hated this song, and we always joked that we’d sing it at her wedding, so here it is!” And he and her mother proceed to sing the song, while I bore a hole in his face with my eyes and a few of the guests try to force awkward courtesy chuckles.

It. Was. Awful.


Image credits: ParticularThese7503


Was at a wedding years ago, when the question was asked the bride's father stood up and asked her "Are you absolutely sure you want to marry this guy?" Since the back 2 rows on the grooms side had a bet on this we all were then cleared to start drinking! To be fair, they are still married and still in love and her Dad still hates the man because he works for himself and not a company. Her Dad hates that he has a successful business.


Image credits: jersey8894


Not an objection, but definitely an awkward moment. One of my uncles was getting married, and his soon-to-be wife wasn't quite as well-liked by certain members of our family (she was more liberal than some others, she was seen as "dramatic" or "eccentric", etc.)

I don't remember the exact words, but during the vows she was making comments about their cats and something about musical theater, and was pretty emotional. One of my other uncles said not quite under his breath, "Jesus, good luck man," when it was DEAD silent. It made my stepdad chuckle, and my mom and my aunt gave them the dirtiest looks.

They got divorced a few years later because my uncle is trash. I felt bad for her, because I really liked her, but she's honestly doing much better without him.


I turned 21 a few days before my sisters wedding. And on that day, as all 21 year olds are wanton to do at a free bar; I got f**king plastered. After three cups of white wine, four champagne glasses, and one green Jell-O shot. As the Priest reached the mentioned part I stood. Everyone stared at me, my Sister glared at me. I mumbled out, “She.....breath she’s a a an alien.” Soon after I puked, stumbled around and passed out in the middle of the aisle in a pile of roses. It made my relationship with my sister worse and it is really awkward at family events.


SHES NOT A VIRGIN, SHES NOT A VIRGIN is all i heard abruptly being shouted by a man that can only be described as having the biggest cold sore on his lips the world has ever seen. SHES NOT A VIRGIN he cries out and he is promptly ushered out and beat up outside, the marriage went on.... I assume she wasn't a virgin, but doubt anyone thought she was anyways.


It wasn't quite at that point, but went to a wedding with my wife. The bride and groom were friends of her's. During the actual ceremony and during the vow exchange, an old lady was shouting "SHAM, THIS IS NONSENSE. RIDICULOUS". We both looked round while she continued yet nobody seemed too bothered. She carried on "FAKE. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She continued through the whole thing until the end.

We never did ask, but assumed she had some type of mental health/Alzheimer's issue


My mother married my stepdad last year, after being together on and off and going through hell and back for nearly two decades. They're both old and it was a really sweet, small and intimate affair.

During the proceedings I stood up and said, "I object to this union. I suspect this man is just after my mom for her money!".

Neither of them really have much money so it was more of an ice breaker.


It almost happened at a wedding we were supposed to be going to. They had heard about each other's religious beliefs a few days before. My uncle (bride's father) said better off because he would have stopped the wedding if he had it go on.
On a positive me and the bride's nephew had the coolest birthday party. (The bride's mother had everything switched from a wedding reception to a birthday party).


Late to the party on this one, but went to a wedding several years ago that was an interracial couple. I was friends with both and they are still married to this day with a couple of kids.

Bride's racist as f**k aunt stands up after the vows and yells "I'LL BE DAMNED IF MY NIECE IS GOING TO MARRY A N****R!"

She apparently had not been invited but showed up anyways. Needless to say, she didn't make it to the reception.


I went to a cousin's wedding once and the groom's mother didn't have to verbally object. It was written all over her face the entire time, including as she was walked down the aisle to be seated and throughout the reception. We still talk about it. And almost ten years later she still hasn't forgiven him for marrying my cousin and we still don't know why. They don't speak.

Unrelated but my stepsister knocked my mom out at my brother's wedding rehearsal dinner. Totally normal kinda event at the time in our family. FYI for those who think differently, but money most definitely does not buy class. It was a $30,000 wedding.


Not an objector. But I was at this one where the best man showed up late to the wedding and professed his love for the MOH.

MOH’s bf (who gave me douchey vibes) confronts him but MOH then tells her bf that she’s not actually in love with. Bf then tried to fight the guy but the groom knocked him out.

Found out later that MOH and douchey bf were actually engaged? And that douchey bf had been sneaking around behind her back. Crazy stuff.


Funny story - My husband was the best man for his cousin with the wedding taking place in Scotland. I am in the audience with my in-laws and my 13 month old son. He was being really good, but when it came to the vows I gave him a bottle to keep him super quiet. At the point when the minister asked if there were any objections and there was that small bit of silence, my son took out his bottle out of his mouth and said “uh, uh”. Everyone laughed and the minister said, “I’ll no take that as an objection.” I quickly picked him up and carried him out of the church. Everyone came up later and said that he was such a good boy. Fortunately the bride and groom thought it was very funny.


At my wedding, my nephew was our ring bearer. During the part where the priest asked if anyone objected to this wedding, he moaned out loud, "I'm too young to get married!" This was followed by heartbroken sobs.

It turns out that the whole tuxedo thing, along with his matching pocket watch similar to what I got for my husband was just too much for him. He thought that he was marrying me, too! And he definitely didn't want to!
