40 Awful And Bizarre Tips Customers Have Left For Servers

Can I give you a few tips? Never grocery shop while hungry, wear SPF every day, and stop leaving terrible tips for servers at restaurants!
We all know that tipping culture can be very divisive. Those who work in the service industry are adamant that waiters deserve great tips, while critics don’t understand why restaurants can’t simply pay staff a living wage. But one thing we should all be able to agree on is that leaving servers with insulting tips is not recommended.
Below, you’ll find a compilation of awful tips that waiters have received from customers and shared online. Enjoy scrolling through this frustrating and confusing list, and be sure to upvote the messages and things you can’t believe patrons left!
#1 Lol, Never Seen This Kind Of Tip Before
Image credits: kaythethrowaway
#2 This Was Left As A Tip At My Restaurant

Image credits: Red69black22
#3 Sorry I Politely Asked Your Crotch Goblin To Not Throw Sugar At Other Guests. Lmao

Image credits: Saelem
Working in the service industry certainly isn’t for everyone. It entails long days on your feet, requires keeping a smile on your face while customers are rude and annoying, and you never know exactly how much money you’ll walk home with at the end of the night until you close. Some days you might get lucky and leave with a fat stack of cash thanks to generous tippers, while other nights, you may head home feeling like the entire day was a waste.
Despite the fact that working as a server doesn’t require education and can often provide flexible hours, the job definitely isn’t easy. In fact, it can be stressful, exhausting, fast-paced and often also includes a toxic working environment. According to a survey from Cozymeal, 71% of restaurant workers say they’ve experienced anxiety, 38% say they’ve experienced depression, 48% report having a sleep disorder, and 42% say they have chronic pain all thanks to their jobs.
#4 Someone Left Me A Tiny Shirt As A Tip

Image credits: b215049
#5 As They Left Their Dad Said To Me: "Idk Where My Kids Get Their Sense Of Humor From"

Image credits: emijwbl
#6 Best Tip I’ve Received

Image credits: Gloomy-Fisherman-200
To find out more about what it’s like to work as a server, we got in touch with Ned from The Waiter’s Academy, who was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda. When it comes to what kind of person is perfect for this job, Ned says, “A great server is like a blend of a stand-up comedian, a multitasking wizard, and a mind reader.”
“We recommend the job to those who thrive on human interaction, possess mental fortitude, and are not afraid to hustle,” he noted. “If you think you're terrible at everything else, that helps too! Welcome aboard!”
#7 The Tip Line Said "Turn Over For Tip"

Image credits: nicholasgarski
#8 Nice Tip

Image credits: Dense-Money-147
#9 $39 Tip In Coins

Image credits: Prize_Detective_820
As far as the pros and cons of being a server, Ned shared that some of the best parts are having “flexible schedules, global mobility, and the opportunity to rake in good money for those who excel.” On the other hand, some of the downsides of being a server include “clocking in long hours and battling stress,” Ned says. “But hey, diamonds are made under pressure,” he added.
#10 Best Non-Money Tip You’ve Received?

Image credits: jeckles
#11 Favorite Note A Table Has Left Me

Image credits: WaffleWitch1996
#12 Happy Easter And Do U Love Avaocados??? Weirdest Tip Ever

Image credits: WhichChard1315
We were also curious about what the serving expert would like all customers to know about their waiters. “That we're not magicians,” Ned told Bored Panda. “We can't be everywhere at once! And yes, the tip is the North Star of our efforts. No one would work this job if it was not for the tips!”
#13 No Tip For You

Image credits: DrNinnuxx
#14 Came In 15 Mins Before Close And Left This

Image credits: ghosteagle
#15 It’s Always The Extra Nice Customer Who Asks For Extra Sides When You Check On Them

Image credits: chasekopsch
Ned was also kind enough to provide us with some tips for those struggling with the server life. “If stress, long hours, and kitchen chaos are dampening your spirits, either embrace the chaos or gracefully bow out,” he says. “The learning curve is steep, but with a smile, resilience, and a bit of time, you'll master the art of serving.”
#16 Being A Server With Tattoos/Piercings/Colorful Hair:

Image credits: milklesbian7
#17 Customer Left A Pretty Sh**ty Tip, Quite Literally

Image credits: dylanciaga
#18 I Wasn’t Worth 2¢, But She Gave Me Hers And A Penny!

Image credits: Funny_Television_501
Finally, Ned added that the job market is serving opportunities on a silver platter. “Seize them!” he says. “In conclusion, the server's life is demanding, but the demand for skilled servers has never been higher. So, chin up, hustle on, and may the tips be ever in your favor!”
#19 Coworker Got This Note Today

Image credits: Flaurean
#20 When Karen Tells You Everything Was Great, But Then Changes Her Tone Once She Doesn’t Get Something Free For Saying It’s Her Birthday

Image credits: asap_boogy
#21 A Customer Decided To Tip Their Server Like This

Image credits: RainbowDash118
Depending on where you live, you might find tipping to be completely unnecessary. And if the country you live in does pay servers a living wage, you have every right to choose not to tip! But unfortunately, in the United States, most servers do survive on their tips. The federal minimum wage for tipped employees in the US is a measly $2.13 per hour. Meanwhile, the minimum wage for most jobs is $7.25 an hour. Without earning decent tips, there’s no way servers can make ends meet.
#22 I Was In The Weeds And Very Focused I Guess…

Image credits: StuckInSalem
#23 People Don’t Understand The Restaurant Industry

Image credits: spydeermasarap
#24 This Tip I Received As A Pizza Delivery Driver

Image credits: uhhhhlauren
Until servers are guaranteed a living wage just for doing their jobs, they’re going to keep asking for tips. And while it certainly isn’t necessary to tip self-checkout machines, or baristas who simply give you a latte in a to-go cup, it’s nice to prepare yourself to leave a tip before dining out in the US. And if you can’t, it might be better just to cook a meal at home. You’ll be saving money anyway!
#25 The Way This Table Left A Tip For Me

Image credits: lukelovesu
#26 This "$100" Tip I Received Tonight

Image credits: sailboatnanners
#27 Got A $0.04 Tip Today

Image credits: Kotokokoro
We hope you’re enjoying scrolling through this bizarre (and perhaps infuriating) list, pandas. Keep upvoting the tips that you can’t believe customers left, and if you’ve ever worked as a server, feel free to share what the best and worst tips you’ve ever received were down below. Then, if you’d like to check out another article discussing the wild world of tipping, we recommend reading this piece next!
#28 Lady Hit On Me All Night, Wrote Down Her Work Address, And Told Me To Come See Her Sometime. Then I Saw The Tip. Definitely A First For Me Lmao

Image credits: reddit.com
#29 Didnt Tip But Left This Note And His Number. Def Sucks

Image credits: reddit.com
#30 My Tip Last Night

Image credits: reddit.com
#31 The Bill I Received Today As A Tip:

Image credits: MaroonSpots
#32 A Guy At My Table Complimented My Glasses And Then Left This Note On His Check Lol

Image credits: lacrimosian
#33 One-Top Leaves This Crazy Note And Then Stiffs Me

Image credits: That-Score-5051
#34 This Was Given To Me As A Tip Yesterday

Image credits: 9sixteenchris
#35 Last Table Of The Night

Image credits: QuesoCat05
#36 I Got This As A Tip In My Bar. In Scotland

Image credits: michaelod30
#37 Friend Is Serving On Labor Day. Just Got This Tip From A 9to5er With The Day Off

Image credits: phragmosis
#38 Someone Left Me A $1 Canadian Bill As A Tip Today

Image credits: alexadams181
#39 Weird $5 Tip But I Can’t Complain

Image credits: NoticeableNiche23
#40 $1 Tip On $500+ Bar Tab

Image credits: damniyam