'there Is No We. You Don't Live With Me!': 15+ Public Meltdowns From Entitled Ikea Customers

Going to an IKEA is the kind of experience where if you yourself don't get into an argument with your roommate, partner, or family member, then someone else is bound to do it.
With this in mind, let's all take a moment to acknowledge the amount of nonsensical garbage that IKEA employees around the world have to put up with when it comes to disgruntled couples, entitled Karens, and misbehaving kids. If the following list of anecdotes from this r/AskReddit thread serve as any indication, then it's clear that IKEA employees have pretty much seen it all.
I've only had the overwhelming IKEA experience once as a freshman in college and distinctly remember being surrounded by at least 15 other embarrassed and temperamental freshmen who were arguing with their parents. Many would find the setting to be tense and unbearable, whereas I couldn't help but see the humor in it. After all, rarely in public settings do you see so many people lose their minds and undergo an existential crisis the minute they walk through the door.
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