'[i Was] Following Orders!': Son Pranks Dad With Malicious Compliance, Takes Instructions Too Literally By Wrapping Gravel Stones In Masking Tape

Thankfully, this family had enough of a sense of humor for this prank to be fodder for laughter down the road. Not every family member has the ability to laugh at some family business sabotage. Personally speaking, I know my family would not be laughing. I once did the classic clear wrap April Fools prank on my mother when I was a kid and she still hasn't forgiven me to this day.
This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/bigjoekennedy, who revealed that as a kid, he used to help his father out with his painting business. One day, his father instructed his son and a friend to "tape down" gravel stones. The son knew from previous experience that this meant to cover them simply to prevent spilling paint on the stones, but he decided to play a trick on his dad by taking the instructions literally. So, he and his friend wasted a bunch of time covering individual gravel stones with masking tape until his father returned to see his complete lack of productivity.
Keep scrolling below for the full story and for the best reactions in the comments section. For more, check out this post about a guy who got some innocent payback on his annoying coworker.