70 Posts That Range From Hilarious To Wholesome, Shared On This Dedicated Fb Page

Memes are so prevalent in today’s internet ecosystem that it wouldn’t be surprising to the average user that the very fabric of this so-called world wide web would be literally made of memes. You are what you eat… or consume… or… you get the point.
While you probably don’t need any proof of that, you’re gonna get it anyway with Epic Texts, a Facebook meme page that’s all about wildly funny and wholesome texts and memes. Enjoy!
Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts
So, there’s a meme page on Facebook called Epic Texts. Its legacy points towards the idea of having shared predominantly funny texts as memes, but has since then branched out to include regular, run-of-the-mill memes too.
The page was created just before the pandemic hit in February, 2020, and has since then accumulated a following of 54,000 people.

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts
If you dive deeper into the internet, you can find opinions on various forum platforms like Reddit and Quora of folks debating whether memes still have it in them.
Face value, that’s understandable. Memes aren’t for everyone, and hence there will be people who never find it funny. Then there are others who think they have overstayed their welcome, or have run their course on the internet.

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts
One internaut pointed out that memes haven’t been funny to them ever since ca. 2018. In their post, they mentioned the likes of Ugandan knuckles, VR chat, DDLC, Logan Paul, "Pictures preceding unfortunate events," Spaget and more, which were “peak”, but nothing significant thereafter.

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts
For others, memes were never really funny. One such netizen asked the question as to why and one Quorian pointed out that memes don’t have to be inherently that. They are obnoxious, rude or antagonistic, but not really funny.
And since it’s a form of communication for some, it doesn’t have to be funny all the time. Especially with topics that are hard to verbalize, like mental health or just pure sadness.

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts
There are also folks, however, who have always loved memes. Even if they are now past their expiration date.
One Redditor vented about how folks are quick to declare a meme dead and by proxy they assume it’s no longer funny. That’s not how humor works, nor is it based on objectivism. In the words of this one Redditor, “There's a video that actually explains why dead memes are still around."

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts
All jokes aside, the discussion continued elaborating what it really means for a meme to be dead. It’s not necessarily how long they lived, but rather how often people used and abused it. And since everyone experiences meme frequencies differently, everyone thus thinks certain memes are dead or not. And also funny or not.

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts
Another Redditor also elaborated that the same applies for a number of other things. Music and fashion are prime examples as, say, people might listen to some songs on repeat, but sooner or later they might just become so meh that they could get removed from playlists. But that’s subjective experience, and otherwise doesn’t mean that something is dead per se.

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts
To be fair, there is a slight nuance. In reference to movies, different movies from different eras have different structures to appeal to different strokes of different folks. Say that ten times fast. Action movies, for instance, these days are significantly faster than they used to be back in the day. Memes can be subject to that too, if given enough time.

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts
So, what are your thoughts on any of this? What are some of your favorite memes? Share your takes, stories and memes in the comment section below!
And don’t forget there’s memes everywhere, including on Bored Panda, so the journey doesn’t have to really end here.

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

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Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts

Image credits: Epic Texts