35 Times Men Went Into Full Meltdown Mode And Earned The Title Of “male Karen”

Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s never worth it to waste energy being angry about things that don’t matter, and nobody wants to spend time around someone who’s constantly upset. While most of us don’t have a problem controlling our frustration, there are some men on the internet who should probably learn how to cool off before deciding to post online…
Below, you’ll find screenshots of posts that Bored Panda has compiled that were originally shared by very frustrated men. But most of the things they were upset about shouldn’t have been big deals at all. Enjoy scrolling through these hilarious posts from the male equivalents of Karens (Kevins?), and be sure to upvote the ones you can’t believe aren’t satire!
#1 Male Karen Tries To Get A Tattoo
Image credits: deckchair1992
#2 A Male Karen (Ken?) Pulls The Old "Twist The Story On Yelp" Move

Image credits: xpathxsj
#3 Male Karen Feels So Persecuted

Image credits: Randy_Magnum29
Everyone knows how it feels to get angry. It could be caused by finding out that a loved one lied to you for years or realizing that your savings have been drained by a stranger who stole your identity. Anger is certainly justified in some situations, and it’s not inherently a bad thing, despite how terrible the emotion might make you feel.
Jade Wu, PhD, explains for Psychology Today that anger is an emotion, not a behavior. So there’s nothing wrong with feeling it. In fact, we literally cannot help it. Dr. Wu notes that it’s a valid and useful emotion, and suppressing it is never healthy. It might motivate you to do an even better job at work or force you to reflect and find out what’s truly bothering you. But just because you feel angry doesn’t mean you’re allowed to act in aggressive or violent ways.
#4 This POS Disappointed In His Genderless Shoes

Image credits: wamdueCastle
#5 G) He’s The Male Karen

Image credits: anonimoanonymous
#6 Friend Told Me To Post This Here After She Found It - Male Karens?

Image credits: IStuckAFishUpMyA**
Like any other emotion, anger can manifest itself physically. Better Health explains that it can even cause health problems, such as headaches, digestive issues, insomnia, depression, high blood pressure, skin problems like eczema, heart attacks and even strokes.
But finding healthy ways to express your anger can be great for your physical and mental health, and may even improve your social life. Getting your anger out might allow you to rest easy and sleep peacefully at night. Plus, you’ll probably feel happier, and your loved ones will likely be more interested in spending time around you if you’re exuding positivity.
#7 Male Karen Complains That Ben Nevis (Great Britain’s Highest Mountain) Is Too Steep And Too High, And Leaves It A 1 Star Review

Image credits: Santinuccio
#8 Ran Into The Most Entitled Male Karen At The USPS Today

Image credits: mingohaun
#9 This Male Karen's Review Of A Water Fall Near Me

Image credits: wardenstark8
However, it’s possible to let your anger run a little too wild. If you’re posting on Facebook that you’re furious about your friends not wishing you a happy birthday, you might have a problem.
When it comes to the signs of anger issues, Priory Group notes on their site that red flags include hurting others verbally or physically, getting upset over small or petty things, getting mad about the same things regularly, breaking objects out of anger, getting mad after drinking and experiencing physical symptoms like headaches, heart palpitations, sweating and anxiety.
#10 Drama At The Nearby Cafe. Male Karen Is Apparently Still Protesting Out Front

Image credits: evilmonkey2
#11 Male Karen Starts A Fire To Avoid Wearing A Mask

Image credits: McFlash64
#12 Met My First Male Karen. Complained About Us Talking, But Was On Conference Meetings At 4:55am On The Train

Image credits: Affectionate_Olive53
As far as what causes anger issues, they might stem from being threatened or treated unfairly, being publicly humiliated, struggling with financial issues or stress at work, negative past experiences, trauma, bereavement and grief or other mental health conditions. But no matter where the frustration is coming from, it’s important to recognize when it starts spiraling out of control.
#13 Male Karen In My City

Image credits: AgapeFire
#14 Male Karens Are Out In Force In Wisconsin

Image credits: BigWookie10
#15 Convo I’m Having Now With A Friend Who Works Tech Support For A Major Tech Company

Image credits: ixnine
Healthline notes that there are also a few different types of anger issues: outward, inward and passive. Outward is the most obvious kind, which usually manifests in shouting, cursing, throwing or breaking things, or being aggressive towards others. Inward, on the other hand, is when someone is extremely angry at themself.
This might cause them to engage in negative self-talk, s*******m or deny themself things that bring them joy. And finally, passive anger issues are at play when someone expresses their anger in subtle or indirect ways. This might involve the silent treatment, sulking, being sarcastic or passive-aggressive and making snide comments.
#16 A Male Karen Just Being Sexist On The Internet

Image credits: cappytain69420
#17 Male Karen "Friend" Who Will Not Be Getting A Happy Birthday From Me

Image credits: Shopping-Afraid
#18 Male Karen Wonders If Screaming At A Cashier For Just Doing Her Job Makes Him An A**hole

Image credits: FunnySpamGuyHaha
So what’s the best method for managing anger issues? Well, the American Psychological Association recommends relaxation techniques. Breathing exercises, yoga, and repeating calming phrases may help some individuals slow down and cool off. It’s also a good idea to practice cognitive restructuring. Essentially, this is working on changing the way you think to remind yourself that every minor frustration or setback is not the end of the work.
#19 Male Karen Complains About Showing ID To Buy Beer

Image credits: VinetaK_8346
#20 The Parking Spot Is Reserved

Image credits: zPowDev
#21 On Halloween, Someone Reported This House In Baltimore To The Health Department For Illegally Running A Restaurant Out Of A Residence

Image credits: kevinowdziej
Working on developing your problem solving skills might also help with anger management, the APA notes. If you don’t see challenges as frustrating roadblocks, and instead as simply problems that can be fixed, it might change your outlook on those situations. Learning how to better communicate with others can be a game changer as well. If you can express your frustrations, people might actually be able to help! And, of course, trying to find humor in upsetting situations is always helpful. Don’t be afraid to lighten the mood!
#22 Male Karen Can’t Understand Why Leaders In War Zones Can’t Dress Nicely

Image credits: PeterSchiff
#23 Male Karen Doesn't Like Middle Eastern Food

Image credits: reddit.com
#24 Male Karen Left The Worst Review Possible

Image credits: [deleted]
Are you enjoying these screenshots of men being dramatic on social media, pandas? Keep upvoting the ones you find particularly hilarious, and let us know in the comments below if you’ve ever seen any similar posts in your feed. Then, if you’d like to check out another Bored Panda article featuring screenshots of people getting upset over silly things, look no further than right here!
#25 Male Karen Will Call The Police If You Decorate Your Yard With Skeletons

Image credits: Bam_b00zled
#26 Male Karen Demands Mexican Cops To Speak English While They Try To Search His Vehicle At A Checkpoint In Mexico

Image credits: xpinkfloydx
#27 Male Karen Tried To Punch Out My Disabled Mother’s Window For Not Turning Her Aircon Off In 30 Degree Weather Screaming About Pollution. We’re All Shaken, Absolute @$$hole

Image credits: Andrea_porter
#28 Male Karen Thinks He Owns The Road

Image credits: BloodChildKoga
#29 Man Karen Strikes Again!

Image credits: mltr1234
#30 Male Karen Getting Triggered By Milk Alternatives

Image credits: reddit.com
#31 Professor Male Karen Complaining About Hoodies In Lecture

Image credits: NerdyComfort-78
#32 Male Karen Harassing Burger King Employees For Their English Accent And Making A Scene
He was so offended he didn't understand what she's saying and went on a rant saying he'll get them fired and asking for the Manager's boss's email. The employee have written the number for complaints but he wouldn't take it and kept saying they're the worst and he'll stay here so night and put this on social media (I'm beating him lol) and wanting them to get fired. I have another longer video. The situation ended because I couldn't just watch and told him to f**k off and he left. Sadly no one else helped.

Image credits: PETA_Gaming
#33 Harassed By A Male Karen For Parking Along The Curb Across From His House
I had a rather fun interaction with a rather hostile Ann Arbor resident earlier today. I was in the Skydale/Larkspur neighborhood off Pontiac Trail (across from Arrowwood). In the middle of the neighborhood is a city park. Parking is allowed along the curb. I was parked along the curb next to the park, on purpose so that I wouldn't be parked right in front of anyone's house. This wasn't good enough for a person in a house across the street. They came out of their house, and asked me why I was parked there. They then claimed I was parked in front of their house, and that I wasn't allowed to do that, and that I should leave. I told him that it was a public street, that I was parked next to the park, not his house, and I could be there if I wanted to. This was not good enough for the Karen, and he demanded I leave and that I was on his property. Words were exchanged. He started filming me, so I did the same. I threatened to call the police, he said he'd call them because I was harassing him and was parked illegally in front of his house. I finally left. I'm not gonna show pics of him or his house as I don't want to start a witchhunt, but the guy was a paranoid a*****e. Looked to be middle aged, 30s-40s. The streets there are city streets and considering I was parked next to the park and not his house he had no jurisdiction to tell me to move. I hope I don't ever have to deal with him again.

Image credits: psycholee
#34 Male Karen's KFC Review. I Wish I Was There Waiting Behind Him

Image credits: WatchTheTimbsB
#35 Male Karen Posted This Sign At His Restaurant

Image credits: watchthewatchmen1985